People’s Daily Praised Former Premier Zhu Rongji’s Book
Scholar: Failure of Political reform
Former Chinese Premier, Zhu Rongji published
his latest book “Record of Zhu Rongji’s Talks".
It’s led to Zhu Rongji becoming a hot topic in Mainland.
The flagship newspaper of the Communist Party of China,
People’s Daily, uncharacteristically praised the book
with a full page editorial on Sept 13.
Hong Kong media doubted whether Zhu Rongji is really
worth such recognition?
It also blamed him for avoiding the failure of the reform.
An overseas scholar pointed out
that Zhu shirked responsibility,
but couldn’t hide his Communist tyranny reform failure.
An article in People’s Daily titled:
“Significant Book in Shedding Light
on the Process of China’s Reform and Development,"
said that Zhu played a key role in the series of reforms
on taxation and finances, state-owned businesses,
the monetary system, education and health care,
government agencies, social security system,
the housing system, and investment policies.
Hong Kong Apple Daily pointed that these reform successes
or failures were very controversial,
but the article avoids discussing
that Zhu’s strength led to the final failure of medical reform
and educational system reform,
caused by the industry heading in the wrong direction.
Beijing Spring magazine chief editor, Hu Ping: “ At present,
China has many economic problems.
There were serious and obvious problems while
he was a premier, but he didn’t resolve the problems.
Now, it is getting worse.
The political system is the leading cause.”
Reuters reported that before the shift in the Party leadership,
the criticism towards Zhu’s reform was heavy.
Criticism implied that his reform planted seeds
for today’s social problem such as pricy real estate market
and restructuring of the state-owned enterprises in 1990
which caused massive unemployment and social unrest.
The Southern Weekly published part of Zhu’s speeches on Sept 8,
including “Without Concern for the People’s Hardship, What Type of Premier Am I?”
The political commentator Zhu Jianguo said that this book was published with very strong criticism of Wen Jiabao.
Zhu hopes to prove today’s social problems aren’t his fault.
Political and economic commentator Cao An: “Zhu talked more,
did less, shouting the slogans loudly, but in fact,
his achievement was limited. During the process of the reform,
the privatization process was extremely unjustified,
the interest groups are using their privilege to usurp
the people’s wealth over the years.”
Zhu was called “"China’s Economic Tzar"
when he was in position.
He was in charge of financial sector,
he was the head of China’s central bank.
He said: “I prepared one hundreds coffins, ninety-nine of
them prepared for corrupted officials, one for myself.”
However, Zhu’s two children who work in the financial sector
were criticized as money hungry.
Wikipedia pointed out that Zhu’s son Zhu Yunlai was recommended
by Wang Qishan who is close to Zhu Rongji. Later Wang became chairman of “CICC".
Zhu’s close officials were sentenced for corruption
or committed suicide, including Zhu Xiaohua who was
the former chairman of Guang Da Group,
Liang Xiaoting who was the former Bank of China (HK) Senior VP,
Wang Xuebing who was the former chairman
of China Construction Bank,
Li Fuxiang who was the former secretary
of Chinese Foreign Exchange Management,
Liu Jinbao who was the former president Bank of China(HK),
and so on.
The Chief Editor of Hong Kong magazine,
Trend, Zhang Weiguo:
”There is a group of crafty people in the CCP;
Zhu is their representative.
They follow the CCP’s system, and more or less
have bad behaviors which violate human nature and run contrary to conscience and civilized norms.
Some of them even killed people.
They are all guilty, and they all have made mistakes.”
Senior reporter of People’s Daily Ling Zhijun republished
a book “Change: 1990-2002 China Record”.
He exposed Zhu’s plan to streamline government agencies
by cutting 300 Ministers and 1900 directors of the bureau,
and reducing the size of the State Council
from 30,000 to 17,000.
But Zhu was disappointed, as only Minster of Electronics industry
Hu Qili agreed to cut back in his department.
Outsiders commented that without fundamental
political revolution, it is pointless to maintain the CCP’s regime and continue trying to improve it.
Hu Ping: ”Zhu seems more open-minded compared
with Jiang Zemin and a lot of stubborn people there.
But he did fail on political revolution and democratic revolution.
It is his main flaw.
Even though with his status, it was hard for him to promote this kind of revolution,
to make it come true, he talked too little about it.”
Reuters cited a Chinese netizens’ comment
on Zhu’s revolution: “Revolution means allowing
a party to rule as long as possible, to enhance their power,
accumulate more property, and maintain their stability.
People’s needs, such as housing, health care, election,
and judicial justice are never met.
Actually, common people did not benefit
at all from his revolution”.
NTD reporter Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Zhu Di