香港《苹果日报》26号报导:“名妓被捕 泄高官恩客名单”。
报导说,9月25号有网民爆料:大陆娱乐记者透露,一位因在微博晒“接客日记”的杭州失足女若小安,因拥有16万粉丝而成为网络名人后,迅速引起当地网警关注,通过微博锁定手机信号定位于上周被警方带走,据交代,此女七年间与她发生过性关系的客人估计超过 3,000,手机存有熟客号码超过千人,其中不乏政府官员、大学教授等当地名人。
大陆作家荆楚:“因为在中国这样一个国家,这样一个民族,他没有内心的信仰,没有信仰的民族,也是一个灾难的民族,那么没有信仰的民族,他只能满足肉欲的享受,满足于吃、穿、玩乐,他没有更高层次的精神需要 ,这样子的这个民族,他可能在这方面是比较注重的。”
State Secrets and Prostitution
Several cases of “sex slaves” in Mainland China have
recently been reported.
The reporters, however, have been accused of
“violating state secrets."
One case features a courtesan who has entertained over
3000 clients, some of whom are senior government officials.
All the above cases have triggered reflection on
the underlying problems.
Cultural critics in Mainland China comment that a nation without
belief or spiritual pursuit can only indulge in a sensual carnival.
The “unspoken rules” give rise to more corruption,
resulting in greater social hypocrisy.
Hong Kong Apple Daily Sept. 26 report,
“Arrested Courtesan Releases List of Guest Officials.”
According to the report, some Chinese netizens released
news about a courtesan on September 25.
The courtesan, Ruo Xiaoan, published her “work diary”
on Twitter, attracting 160,000 fans.
Police soon identified her via phone signals and
arrested her last week.
According to her confession, in the past 7 years
she has entertained over 3,000 customers.
Her phone records list over 1,000 clients’ phone numbers,
many of whom are government officials, university professors and other local celebrities.
Mainland writer Jing Chu: “China has become a nation
without faith or belief, which is a disaster.
A nation without faith will only indulge in sensual enjoyment.
Apart from food, clothing, and sex, people do not have a spiritual pursuit.”
Netizens commented that police took away Ruo Xiaoan
not only to gather information about her “customers,” but
also to prevent the list of celebrities from being released.
Another netizen expressed his concern over Ruo,
“After reading posts on her Twitter I feel very heavy."
“I hope she will not run into the kind of sexual slavery
as in case in Luoyang!"
Li Hao works in the State Bureau of Quality and Technical
Supervision of Luoyang City, Henan Province.
Southern Weekly reported that he imprisoned 6 women
in his basement as his “sex slaves." Two of them were killed.
The reporter Ji Xuguang, nonetheless, has been accused
of “violating state secrets."
Some netizens said that the police are most active in
anti-prostitution campaigns.
They hope that the police could show equal enthusiasm in
anti-corruption activities.
Mainland Writer Jing Chu: Apparently Chinese government
bans prostitution, but the “unspoken rule” is
that as long as you share benefits with the public security
departments, they will not stop you.
Otherwise, they will put your business to an end.
On the surface they ban prostitution, but in fact they open
the gate for it, which causes more corruption and hypocrisy.
Ruo Xiaoan has been publishing her affairs with hundreds
of men. Each of the 150 posts since Jan. 26 has received
dozens of comments and been widely spread.
From Sept. 26, however, her Twitter stopped updating.
Some netizens called for saving Ruo from the Hangzhou police.
Jing Chu: “I believe the police just want to blackmail her,
or to accumulate work credit for their promotion.
Ruo has not been in this business for long,
and has not violated the law.
Why would the police arrest her instead of the real criminals?”
Ruo claims that she enjoys reading and writing,
and wants to be a courtesan of culture.
Her last Twitter post reads, “I’ve been exhausted by the posts.
Those people without sentiments, I really do not know how they live in this world."
NTDTV Zhou Yulin and Guo Jing