Dalai Lama’s Reincarnation Statement Causes Waves
Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, issued a statement
saying that when he is in his 90s,
he will decide whether to reincarnate or not.
The Dalai Lama stressed that the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) had no right to comment about his reincarnation decision.
On September 26, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said
that any decision that the Dalai Lama makes about
the traditional of reincarnation, will violate Chinese law.
However, scholars believe that secularism is a global trend.
Reincarnation of the Dalai Lama is an issue related to
Tibetan Buddhism, not to CCP laws.
The 14th Dalai Lama and four leaders of different sects of
Tibetan Buddhism issued a statement at the religious conference in Dharamsala.
They explained the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation statement,
as well as how he will be recognized when he reincarnates as a boy.
In addition, the Dalai Lama also said he would seek the advice
of Tibetan Buddhist monks and the Tibetan people, as to whether to retain the Dalai Lama as the leader of religious system.
However, on September 26, the Chinese Foreign Ministry
spokesman, Hong- lei,
said only the Beijing central government had the right
to the canonize the title of the Dalai Lama.
In his statement, the Dalai Lama said despite its ideological
rejection of religion, the CCP is still stepping up
its “re-education” policies and has enacted the so-called
National Bureau of Religious Affairs Decree No. 5,
trying to interfere in religious affairs.
He said such behavior is very shameful.
The representative of the Tibetan government in exile in Taiwan,
Dawa Tsering, said: “The establishment of the system of reincarnation is consistent with Buddhism.
It was not established based on the wish of the ruling class.
Any reincarnation form is possible as long as it did not oppose Buddhist doctrines.
It was just like Dalai Lama stepped out of the political stage
and pushed on the religious reforms.
Most importantly, they were in accordance with
the world’s trends and Buddhist doctrines.”
Members of Congress of the Tibetan government in exile,
Kelsang Gyaltsen, also believed that the Chinese foreign ministry statement was groundless.
The recognized ways of the Tibetian religious leader and
the reincarnation of high-ranking monks, followed the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism and religious rules.
It has formed a very sound system and it has its customs.
The CCP wants to identify the reincarnated soul boy,
is attempting to turn the sacred religious affairs
into the administrative action.
Kelsang Gyaltsen said: “Firstly, the recognization by
the political authority was against the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, its rules, and some of its traditions.
Secondly, this would not be accepted by the masses and
could only lead to a complicated mess that would do nothing to solve the problem.
Kelsang Gyaltsen said the CCP had denied all religions,
but now they found that religious leaders in the prestige of the people can not be shaken.
Therefore, the CCP wants to use administrative means to
control the the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation.
The CCP thought that if it could control a Tibetan living Buddha,
it could control a monastery.
If it could control a monastery, it could control a region.
As it stands, the Dalai Lama’s statement tarnishes Beijing’s interpretation of reincarnation that they established long ago.
Kelsang Gyaltsen: In a meeting attended by Tibetan religious
leaders, the Dalai Lama said he would clearly state details about his next reincarnation.
In this way, his reincarnation would receive the recognition
and faith of the masses of Tibetan Buddhist followers.
Dawa Tsering also believed that the CCP’s attempts to manage
the outcome of the living Buddha’s reincarnation is nothing more than political meddling.
But the true recognition of a Tibetan living Buddha’s
reincarnation is sacred and solemn.
In addition, political commentator, Hu Ping,
believes that secularism is a global trend.
Nowadays in Europe, the Pope is elected solely by religious
institutions, without the intervention of any secular monarch.
In addition, the Pope is no longer needed in the coronation
of a secular monarch ascending the throne.
Hu Ping also said, “The reincarnation of the Dalai Lama is
a matter central to Tibetan Buddhism. It has nothing to do with the atheistic Chinese regime.”
NTD reporters Qin Xue, Song Feng and Wang Mingyu