【禁闻】中共六中全会 访民聚京讨公道









杨秀庭:“因为你去上访要牵扯到他家的所有的亲属,如果你家里的亲属有上访的,你就下岗,你就得脱离这个工作单位,这样的话,一般的情况下受到这些威胁,而且还整一些黑社会的人啊,对你家砸锅怎么着。 ”





李和平:“就说这二年以来,这个好像上访的人数越来越多,在北京有人就说是成年累月的上访,并且有人上访的年限达30多年,有很多人因为上访被关押,最后知道的就是付出了生命的代价。这里面就是有太多太多的问题。 ”



Petitioners Rally Beijing at The 6th Plenary Session

The CCP’s Political Bureau made a preliminary
announcement last month:
The 6th Plenary Session of the Seventeen Central
Committee of the CCP will held from Oct 15 to 18 in Beijing.
Petitioners from all over the country flock to Beijing
to redress their grievances.
Although attackers arrested petitioners everywhere,
some petitioners broke the blockades to go to Beijing.
More and more petitioners have rallied in front of
Beijing State Bureau of Letters and Calls recently.

Many petitioners are ready to cry for justice when
The 6th Plenary Session of the Seventeen Central Committee opens.
Recently, more and more petitioners around China
have hurried on their way to Beijing.
More than 10,000 petitioners line up to register in front of
Beijing State Bureau of Letters and Calls.

Ma Bo, a petitioner from Heilongjiang Province,
said to NTD that Currently, many petitioners want to come to Beijing to appeal;
but, some were attacked on the way,
and some were captured by the local government when they arrived in Beijing.

Ma Bo said, “Local governments mobilized
a large number of forces to capture the petitioners in their residences in Beijing.
Yesterday, Huang Guangyu, a petitioner from Hunan,
was taken away by them.
Huang Guangyu was captured on Sept. 26
and was under house arrest.”

In order to avoid being cut-off and arrested,
many petitioners live and move together.

Yang Xiuting, a petitioner from Baotou, Inner Mongolia,
said, “Now we are at the place of appeal. The petitioners here are very united.
Because we have many petitioners here,
they (the authorities) don’t dare to come to our residences to arrest people.
They haven’t done that. But, if a petitioner walks on street alone,
the authorities will pull him into a car. That happens.”

Yang Xiuting added that she came to Beijing to appeal
an earlier housing demolition,
but was attacked by Baotou authorities and was held
in Baotou nursing home under monitoring of six policemen for 28 days.
Her house was demolished and her property was taken away.
Petitioning is her only way.

Yang Xiuting said aside from being attacked and
intercepted, many petitioners don’t dare to go to Beijing to appeal.

Yang Xiuting said, “Your petition would involve all of
your relatives.
If one of your family members petitions,
you would be laid off. You have to depart from your work unit.
That’s under normal circumstances,
but now they would also send gangsters to your house to make troubles to you."

Yang Xiuting said that nepotism a is severe problem
from central to local government.

Shanghai petitioner Chen Guogui arrived in Beijing
in early October.
Then he was sent back to Shanghai by local policeman
with charges.
Currently, he was still under house arrest
in Qingpu District.

Chen Guogui said, “I came back from Beijing on Oct. 2 and
arrived in Shanghai on Oct 3.
They put me in detention for 5 days. After that,
they sentenced me to house arrest in Qingpu, and they didn’t give me a warrant.
They should have given me one, right?
Instead, they gave me a release.”

Beijing human rights lawyer Li Heping said that
China’s petition issue has been a chronic, critical, and difficult problem, especially for the last few years.

Li Heping said, “For the last two years, it seems that
there are more and more petitioners in Beijing.
Some petitioners spend months and years appealing
some of them petition for over 30 years.
Many people have been imprisoned due to petitioning,
and some even lost their lives. There are too many problems. “

Lawyer Li Heping said, in China, justice is not used as
the solution to solve the problem, because authority is (used for that).
He said, under the CCP system,
“Authority is more powerful than the law. ”

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Guo Jing
