【禁闻】追税1522万 艾未未指当局报复










高瑛:“ 整个都是莫名其妙,现在这个罚款呢,它也没有把人家那个发课公司,原始会计用的那些账本也不给人家,据说是复印件,给了一点复印件。现在就是路青,她已经找了律师。律师没法介入啊!人家拿不到原件,你账本是怎么回事,人家看不到啊。”







Ai Weiwei Receives a $2.4 Million Tax Bill

Chinese dissident artist, Ai Weiwei, received a tax bill
demanding that he pay over a 1,000 yuan (US$157) plus a penalty.
Ai’s wife, Lu Qing, the company corporate legal advisor,
said that the penalty wasn’t clear and she wasn’t going to sign it.
The tax officers stated that
she should simply accept the tax claim.
Ai pointed out that the authorities are threatening him,
demanding that he give in and sign the bill.
Hong Kong media reported that the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ignores the law to suppress dissidents.

On November 1, Beijing local tax authorities paid a visit to Ai
and delivered a tax notification
demanding that Ai pay a RMB15.22 million yuan (US$2.4million)
tax bill within 15 days.

Ai’s wife, Lu Qing, the company’s corporate legal advisor
said that she refused to sign the bill
because the penalties were unclear and the company books
were taken away by the authorities and had not been returned.
The tax officers left the bill with her and threatened to put
a lien on their property, adding that they could process the tax claim without her signature.

“Ai’s company lawyer, Pu Zhiqiang: “We are reviewing the bill
and the penalty, because some of the items are unclear.
The reason for the penalty isn’t clearly stated.

During the hearings, we didn’t see the original company books,
so now I do not know how to deal with it."

Ai’s Twitter posts said his company didn’t see the books,
and the accountant and managers were threatened.
He said that there is no communication with the tax authorities
and they aren’t allowed to make an appointment with them.
Beijing authorities demanded that he pay the bill within 15 days,
Ai is refusing to pay, as there is no paper work to support the charges.

When the tax office admitted that they don’t have a copy
of the original paper work; Lawyer Pu Zhiqiang doubted their words, saying, “Then what is the tax based on?"

Pu Zhiqiang: “None of the lawyers saw the books,
thus we are not clear on the company’s operation circumstances, so what does the penalty refer to?
The tax office said they don’t have the account books
and neither have they seen the original books."

Ai said that the police was threatening him:
“The state says that you are a tax dodger
and that you have been charged with tax dodging.
Will it possible for the state to change its position?
You just have a case of bad luck; there is no hope for you!"

Ai’s mother, Gao Ying, believes that the authority did this to Ai,
It is not simply an issue of tax dodging.

Gao Ying: “It is unreasonable that they presented us with
a tax bill but didn’t return our accounting books.
They only gave us back a few pages.

Although Lu Qing found a lawyer,
the lawyer can’t investigate anything further because no one presented him with the original books."

Gao Ying believes that the tax office has a problem.
She emphasised that no one knows what games the authorities play.
If Ai’s company really has a problem,
the authorities should directly point that out
by calling everyone together and showing the accounting books,
thus clearly pointing out the ‘tax dodging evidence.’"

Ai pointed out that the authorities have treated him
as if he was inciting insurgents.
The company’s corporate legal person is his wife.
He is only responsible for artistic creation and production.
The tax office claims that Ai is in charge of the company.
Ai said it is another way to suppress him.

Ai told Hong Kong Apple Daily that because artists
have different views and express different opinions,
the authorities seek malicious revenge on them,
which will only undermine the law.
This provides a bad example to the community.

Ai hopes that the authorities won’t rely on threats
to maintain the so-called stability.

Beijing scholar, Mo Zhixu, stated that the CCP
suppresses dissidents without even bothering to cover up their deeds.
Living in this country is truly depressing.

Radio France Internationale reported that human rights
groups believe that Ai’s tax case is a reflection of Beijing authorities suppressing dissidents.

NTD reporters Qin Xue, Tang Rui and Gui Jing.
