【禁闻】传陈光诚新照 “被衣食无忧”


















Chen’s “50-Cents” Photos Raise Concern

The current situation of China’s renown blind activist lawyer
Chen Guangcheng has raised concern worldwide.
Recently some photos were published online claiming that
Chen was in good health and happy with his family.
But netizens doubt the photos authenticity. Saying
this is a trick by the Chinese regime to claim false stability
and divert pressure from the international community.

Mr. Hu Rui of People’s Daily Online (People.com.cn), run by
the Chinese Communist Party, posted news on the current
health situation of Blind activist lawyer Chen Guangcheng.

According to Hu Rui and netizen Tianxinjiang Waita, Chen
is in good health with no back nor stomach ailments and
leading a stable life under the care of his wife and mother.
His kid attends primary school near their home.

Apparently Hu Rui posted online pictures of Chen’s daughter
attending school.
And Tianxinjiang Waita claims taking photos of Chen and
his family in their home yard in late October.

But Beijing-based activist Hu Jia believes this to be a smoke
screen to appease the international community anxious of Chen’s well being under the hands of the Chinese regime.

[Hu Jia, Rights Activist]:
“The person who released the news is Hu Rui, a
commentator for People.com.cn. We all know that
internet commentators are also called “50-cents”.
They are hired by the Chinese regime using taxpayers’
money to claim credit for itself,
confuse issues, mislead public opinion,
or with the aim of collapsing citizen journalism. ”

Hu Jia suggests the best way to test the photos authenticity
is to let other people visit Chen and check for themselves.
Hu Jia said that a very simple way to test these photos’
authenticity is letting the two micro bloggers lead the way
for those people who want to see Chen, to witness
Chen’s status quo.

Many citizens wonder why the local authorities are blocking
people from visiting Chen to the point of using violence
if Chen Guangcheng is supposedly living so well.

A netizen questions: Since Chen Guangcheng lives so well,
why the CCP local authorities prohibit people to visit Chen,
and even using violence to block and beat the visitors?

Some netizens appeal to the public to not fall into the trap of
the Chinese regime,
to keep appealing for Chen’s well being and
for the international community to keep putting pressure.

Nanjing-based activist Zhen Zhu is concerned about Chen
and says he doesn’t rule out the possibility of the Chinese regime issuing false evidence in order to maintain stability.

Zhen Zhu says: “Our ultimate aim is for Chen and his family
to gain complete freedom, living their own lives.
We hope the Chinese regime will head towards that,
instead of posting a few photos to fool the public in order to keep temporal stability.”

Professor Ai Xiaoming of Guangzhou University, says over
the last few months many people were prevented from seeing Chen.
This in itself is more convincing than the actual photos.

BBC’s reporter Michael Bristow was on his way to visit Chen
on the eve of his birthday,
when the crew was stopped and brutally handled by guards
who took away their equipment.

As Michael Bristow reported: “Clearly, the blind activist
Chen Guangcheng was under the custody of these plainclothes guards.
Though their behaviors seems illegal,
but with the approval of the authorities."

In Xiao Shu’s article of The New York Times, November 15th,
the veteran reporter believes the Chinese authorities “went further ahead when public opinion got heated up.”

Xia Shu suggests the Chinese regime should release Chen
on medical parole and let him to go to the U.S., a practice done by other dissidents.
This would ease out his plight.

Chen Guangcheng was officially suppressed for exposing
Linyi’ authorities violent implementation of family planning.
Chen was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months, and has since
been under house arrest since his release last September.
When Chen and his family suffered from mistreatments and
beatings from local authorities, his situation caused concern both in China and overseas.
But when reporters and netizens came to visit him,
they were all driven away with violence.

NTD reporters Li Yun and Sun Ning
