【禁闻】箝制言论 四大门户网站微博实名制







彭定鼎:“ 他在实行实名制之后,实际上是在告诉大家,说话小心些。但是他的结果只是会让大家明白,我横竖要说话。你就这么想吧,在一个说话就会因言获罪的国家,人们不会闭嘴,因为闭嘴是违背人们天性的。最后人们会越来越有勇气。杀头也要说话。”





China Forces Netizens to Use their Real Names

After Beijing issued the “Micro blog Real Name System”
last week, which require all organizations and individuals to use their real identity
when registering a web micro blog, Guangzhou and Shenzhen
initiated a similar system on December 22nd.
Local people commented that the regime is attempting to
suppress freedom of speech,
but that it will only help more Chinese to come to know
the essence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s reign of red terror.
They likened the internet to “a gospel of God” that reveals
accurate information, and drives the print media to report the truth.

China media reported that, started December 22nd, the seven
main micro blog websites: Tencent, Jinyang, Dayang,
Shenzhen News, Oeeee, Digu and Fanfou in Guangzhou and
Shenzhen require users to use their real identity when registering,
Previously, Sina, Sohu and NetEase Net started a similar system.

So, together with Tencent Net, all of China’s four websites
applied the real name system.

According to the reports, it only required new users to
register using their real identity.
Individual users must provide an ID number,
and organizations need provide the unit code which is given when registering a business.
The net will then check the information with authorities.

CCP’s mouthpiece said the micro blog real name System is
good to curb the false and harmful information, is good to
promote civilized netizens, then can create a healthy and
harmonious internet environment.
Chu Jing, a freelance writer from Guangxi, pointed out that
the aim of Real Name System is to suppress freedom of speech.

Jing Chu: “On one hand, the netizens don’t like to use their
real names, because there’s heavy political control and
speech is controlled by the government,
so the government can chase them using their identity if they said anything “improperly.”
On the other hand, the government is very scared by
the Micro blogs, Which is a new information spreading method.
So, the government wants to use the real name system to
chase down netizens if they’ve spoken improper words.”

Peng Dingding, a Beijing scholar pointed out it’s clear that
the real name system is used to intimate,
which accompanied by rumor spreading, creates panic and
charges the related netizens with the crime of overthrowing the regime.
But he also said, more and more suppression is
encouraging people to overcome fear.

Peng Dingding: “The real name system is telling people to
practice self-censorship.
But the result is that people realize they need
to speak regardless.
In a country where people will be charged if they speak,
people cannot shut up because it’s their nature.
Then people will become more and more courageous,
and finally they will speak even if the outcome will lead to death.”

Peng Dingding thinks the CCP dug itself a tomb by using many
controlling measures over the years.

Peng Dingding: “To maintain stability, CCP monitors
more and more people, arrests more and more people, and kidnaps more and more people.
It has a black list and won’t take any name off the list.
It implements a red terror.
This red terror has a reverse effect because a dictatorship
needs dignity, but it changed itself into a joke.”

Jing Chu stated that the CCP controls the society by lying
and bloody terror, but its method is becoming more and more ineffective.
He said the internet is the gospel of God for Chinese.

It can help the Chinese break through the control to obtain
factual information, and even drives the print media to report the truth.

NTD Reporters: Qin Xue and Wang Mingyu
