【禁闻】胡提反西化 党媒捧政绩 涉18大权斗


《新华社》3号的通讯题为“总揽全局 科学发展──以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央2011年治国理政纪实”,全文1万5千多字,文章中27次提到胡锦涛的名字,政治局其他8个常委仅提到一次。















Chinese Official Media Promotes Hu Jintao’s Anti-Westernization Stand

On New Year’s Day, the Chinese regime’s official media
published President Hu Jintao’ speech,
in which he warns that “international hostile forces
are stepping up to westernize China".
On January 3rd Xinhua News Agency issued a lengthy report,
touting Hu Jintao’s governance performance of 2011.
The campaign drew international media attention and
shows that Hu Jintao’s is trying to predominate the 18th Congress.
According to experts, Hu will retire from office this year.

On January 3rd the Chinese regime’s official media, Xinhua
News Agency,
published a detailed report on the overall
governing performance of President Hu Jintao’s in 2011
The 15,000-word article mentioned the name of Hu Jintao
27 times, but only referred once to other Politburo members.

In this unusual report on governance, the 6th Plenary Session
of the 17th CCP Central Committee labeled a resolution
on China’s cultural system as a “programmatic document".

The People’s Daily and other major Chinese regime’s media
published a Xinhua News Agency’s report on Hu Jintao, Chairman of the Central Military Commission.
The General Political Department of the People’s Liberation
Army asked of all armed services to carefully study it,
as well as to unify both thoughts and actions with Hu Jintao’
strategic deployment.

Zhang Weiguo, Chief Editor of Hong Kong’s Trends magazine,

says the report looks like a promotion for the handing over of
Hu Jintao’s office and personnel during the 18th Congress.

Zhang Weiguo: “Due to its one-party dictatorship nature, the
Chinese Communist Party monopolizes all publicity resources.
All propaganda is made out of their own political needs.

So their mouthpiece’s touting of the departing of Hu Jintao,
implies Hu wants to prettify himself or wash himself off. “

Jamestown Foundation, a U.S. think tank, published recently
a report reviewing the entire reign of Hu Jintao.
It summarizes the struggles between Jiang’s princelings,
the Shanghai Gang and Hu’s Youth League fraction.
As well as China’s various social problems and its tension
with the Asia-Pacific countries.

The report says many unsolved long-standing problems and

those arisen during Hu’s reign are the result of institutional
problems and the regime’s leadership’s infighting nature.

Xia Ming, Political Science Professor at the City University of
New York,
says three factions inside the Chinese regime are
playing games in order to enter into the 18th Congress.

Xia Ming: “Now we’ve seen Hu’s Youth League fraction,
who wants to maintain its status quo.
In other words, they’ll follow the previous policy or strategy
to guide China’s future path.
But the policy is challenged by another two forces, Bo Xilai’s
new left force and the reformists with their liberal views."

On New Year’s Day Qiushi magazine, the Chinese
regime’s official journal published Hu’s speech at the Sixth Plenary Session.
Hu claimed that international hostile forces are stepping up
to westernize China, and
“the field of ideology and culture" are a priority
for their long-term penetration.

Another Qiushi magazine article criticizes Prime Minister
Wen Jiabao’s talk on “moral decay", albeit without naming him.

Zhang Weiguo: “China’s own culture, ruined by the CCP, has
actually weakened. That is the moral decay in Wen Jiabao’s words.
The Chinese regime’s 62-year’s ruling has made
Chinese traditional culture faces destructive damage.
They have introduced the so-called Marxism in the West, while
completely smashing China’s outstanding traditional culture."

Wu Zuolai, a scholar at the China Art Research Institute,
says that deliberately sugaring up or demonizing the West is both unilateral and irrational.
Western culture has some variation and corrupt elements,
yet it offers seeds of hope such as science, democracy, freedom and fraternity.

According to Liu Junning, a researcher at the Chinese Culture
Institute, maintaining stability is essential to prevent a Western penetration.
Cheng Xiaonong, China’s Economy Reform Institute ex-office
director, points out that
two official articles released at New Year are the regime’s
publicity for its 18th Congress, showing a future trend for its conservative policy.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yan
