【新唐人2012年1月10日讯】《印度时报》(Times of India)星期六报导了从印度警方得到的消息,六名在西藏出生的中国人,可能持商业签证进入印度,搜集流亡印度藏人组织的情报,并对达赖喇嘛造成伤害。中共在海外的间谍网再次引发人们的关注。
目前达赖喇嘛正在印度东部省份比哈尔邦的菩提伽耶(Bodh Gaya)主持一项宗教活动,直到1月10号结束。西藏流亡政府官警察告说,中共间谍可能出现在仪式现场,制造事端。
75岁的达赖喇嘛在去年3月宣布退出政治舞台。不过达瓦才仁表示,由于受到藏人的支持和信仰,因此中共仍然对达赖喇嘛非常忌惮。 围绕他的间谍活动也数不胜数,甚至去年印度媒体还传出,被视为达赖喇嘛接班人的第17世大宝法王噶玛巴,是中共安插在西藏流亡政府的间谍。印度有官员说,噶玛巴1999年从中国“出逃”根本是中共政府所策划。
新唐人记者朱智善 尚燕 柏妮采访报导
Times of India Report: Six CCP Secret Agents Enter Country
On December 7th, “Times of India” reported that Indian police
had been observing six Chinese nationals of Tibetan origin.
The six had entered India on a business visa, gathering
information from Tibetan exiles.
They also had intent to Dalai Lama. The Chinese Communist
Party’s (CCP) overseas spy network is again raising concern.
“Deutsche Presse-Agentur” commented on December 9th on
the original intelligence report received from India.
“A good number of Chinese youth enter India on business
visas, but in reality visit for some secret activities.
It’s likely that they may try to visit certain areas prohibited
for Chinese, like Tibetan camps. …….
Loss of Chinese passports, and recovery of unknown Chinese
passports need to be reported promptly.
This is so that the concerned agencies can question them.”
Dawa Tsering, Chairman of the board of the Dalai Lama
Religion Foundation commented on the issue.
He said that they have heard of the news, but CCP’s approach
didn’t surprise them.
Dawa Tsering: “No matter this or that news, what we heard
are the India police’s press release, we’re unclear of details.
The CCP regime, or their security department, use different
ways, or through network technology, or send spies overseas.
This kind of issue has happened many times in the past,
so we’re not surprised.”
At present, the Dalai Lama is chairing a religious event in
town of Bodh Gaya in Bihar of East India until January 10th.
The Tibetan government in exile warns that the CCP spies
may turn up at the ceremony to make trouble.
The 75-year-old Dalai Lama announced resignation from
political activity last March.
However, Dawa Tsering said that the Dalai Lama is supported
and followed by Tibetans, so CCP is still very afraid of him.
There’s endless espionage activities around him, and even
Indian media reported a story last year on this.
It claimed that the 17th Karmapa, a successor of the Dalai
Lama, is a CCP spy within the Tibetan government in exile.
Some Indian officials said that the Karmapa fleeing from
China in 1999 is just an arrangement by CCP government.
Dawa Tsering: “This news is just the tip of the iceberg.
The CCP certainly has other activities.
If the CCP continues to kill, suppress, and eliminate all
dissidents, China will never have a real harmony.”
There are many examples of CCP officials continuously
defecting to the West.
They unveil a tip of a huge CCP overseas espionage network.
One such case is Chen Yonglin, former Secretary for Political
Affairs, Chinese Consulate General in Sydney.
After fleeing, he unveiled that the CCP has about 1,000
secret agents in Australia, and another 1,000 in Canada.
The Chinese Embassy in Ottawa uses it’s influence in the
Chinese community to persecute dissident groups.
These include Falun Gong, democracy activists, as well as
groups which support Tibet and Taiwan.
In addition, there was Han Guangsheng, a former Shenyang
Judicial Director who fled to Canada.
Hao Fengjun, former Tianjin national security official also
fled to Australia.
Hao stated that the “CCP set up a wide espionage net in the
Western world, spanning from diplomats to students.”
Li Fengzhi, a former Chinese Ministry of State Security
intelligence official, publicly quit the CCP in Washington DC.
He stated publicly that the CCP was more interested in party
security and benefit, over security of the country and people.
Increasing human and material resources are used against
dissidents and faith-based groups inside and outside China.
These activities damage the real sense of national security
and the damage to Chinese society is very far-reaching.
Therefore, he believed that quitting the CCP was currently
the best way to care for the country and themselves.
NTD Reporters Zhu Zhishan, Shang Yan and Bo Ni