【禁闻】愈禁愈出名 陈光诚可望角逐和平奖







陈光诚不怕困难、帮助他人的精神打动了许多人,大陆网民发起了探望陈光诚的行动,有数以千计的人回应,但是,前往探望的人全部无功而返。他们普遍遭到驱赶和殴打,就连饰演蝙蝠侠的好莱坞大明星克里斯汀‧贝尔(Christian Bale),也遭到了阻拦和推撞。



Chen Guangcheng Expected Nominee for Nobel Peace Prize

Shandong blind activist Chen Guangcheng is growing in
He is currently under home arrest by the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) authorities.
The “Batman" star, Christian Bale, recently tried to visit Chen.

Now there is an appeal to support Chen to compete for
the Nobel Peace Prize.

National Committee of Democracy Party of China recently
called for global support.
They want to support Chen Guangcheng’s running for the
Nobel Peace Prize.
The movement starts on January 10th, aiming to awaken
global attention on Chen.
This is hoped to pressure the CCP to return his freedom.

U.S.-based Chinese pro-democracy activist Li Hongkuan,
is the founder of the e-magazine “Big Reference".
Li himself comes from Shandong province, and is proud of
Chen’s acts.

Li Hongkuan: “He advanced the progression of China’s
human rights under very difficult circumstances.
This is while we healthy general public even dared not to
do such things.
He suffered very severe persecution for standing up to
safeguard human rights. I think he represents a kind of spirit."

Chen Guangcheng was blind since childhood.

A self-taught lawyer, Chen was known as the “barefoot
lawyer", helping safeguard vulnerable groups human rights.
In 2006, Chen Guangcheng was jailed for four and a half

He had exposed violent CCP family planning policies within
Linyi authorities.

After his release in 2012, he was put under house arrest,
and his wife and daughter lost their freedom.

Li Hongkuan: “If he only considered his own interests,
he might have led a very good life.

But he chose to protect local victims of family planning.
Today’s world needs people like him."

Chen Guangcheng’s facing hardship, and his spirit of
helping others has touched lots of people.
China’s netizens launched a campaign of visiting Chen,
gaining positive responses from thousands.
However, all visitors failed to see Chen, being violently
chased away and beaten by local authorities.
This includes Christian Bale, famous “Batman" Hollywood
star, who was blocked and shoved during his attempted visit.

The CCP’s forthcoming 18th Congress has heightened
Sensitivity in maintaining stability.
It has seen a worsening in human rights issues.

Will the move that supports Chen Guangcheng to be a
Nobel Peace Prize nominee produce a positive influence?
It is becoming a focus of sustained attention in the
international community.

NTD reporters Zhou Qifei and Zhou Ping
