【禁闻】中共索要材料 王立军命在美方手中















新唐人记者常春、宋风 、薛莉采访报导。

Beijing Demands Documents; Wang’s Fate in US hands.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has released news
through its overseas media.
It claims Wang Lijun did not give 3 bags of documents
to the U.S. consulate.

However, On Feb.21, American reporter Bill Gertz revealed
that according to US officials, the CCP asked the U.S. to return documents submitted by Wang Lijun.

Gerts quoted one US official, “Wang’s fate is now
in US hands”.

Senior Media reporter Bill Gertz published an article on
The Washington Free Beacon web.

This article was entitled: Chinese Demand Return
of Documents, Botched Defection Leads to Diplomatic Crisis, puts Whistleblower at Risk.

Gertz wrote, “A U.S. official said Wang, who drove 200 miles
from Chongqing to Chengdu, entered the embassy
in a disguise, and spent the night at the US consulate, turned
over a stack of documents during his 10-hour stay.”

“Wang’s fate is now in US hands,” said the official, adding
that returning the documents could be fatal for the former
police chief, who is known as an “anti-corruption” hero.

However, human rights groups consider Wang as a violator
of human rights.

Recently, the CCP used various channels on overseas media
to report that deputy director of Sichuan Public Security
Bureau (PSB) negotiated with Wang Lijun,
persuading him to hand in 3 bags of document.

The reports implied that Wang hasn’t given document to U.S.

Now, the U.S. officials’ words have thrown a conundrum
for the CCP again.

Dr. Ye Ke, at the Public Policy Division of the University of
Southern California, analyzed the situation.
Wang believed the secret documents he gave to U.S. may
not secure his life, but at least can be a powerful warrantee.

Thus it would be scary for the CCP.

Ye Ke, “The U.S. officials’ attitude actually verifies that the
documents Wang has handed in has enormous impact.
If these materials are disclosed, the enormous impact to
the highest level of CCP would result in a big disaster.

Gertz wrote, Beijing regime tried hard to fade out the Wang

However, it is hard to explain the reason why Bo Xilai sent
armored personnel carriers and tanks to a neighboring
province to threaten the US consulate, to try to force
the return of Wang.

Gertz revealed in his previous article that a US official said
documents that Wang handed in to the US consulate included
Zhou Yongkang allying Bo Xilai to prevent Xi Jinping’s
smooth succession.

Liu Guohua, Head of Public Relations Department at
New York Democracy Academy commented.
Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang joined hands to take over
the CCP power.

Jiang Zemin, who is behind them, has to be pulled out.

Liu Guohua, “Wang Lijun has given documents to the US
consulate, actually it hit some people within the party.
It is a big blow to them. Who has suffered the most?
It is Jiang Zemin’s faction.”

Liu Guohua believes that the CCP is now extremely corrupt.

Every year, a ten of thousands of massive protests
happen in China.

The CCP regime is at a dead end, and the Jiang Zemin
action’s evil behaviors are the leading causes.

Liu Guohua, “During Jiang Zemin’s term, he has started the
persecution of the Falun Gong movement.

This act brings China into a further disaster. Since then,
the Constitution in China has been ruined.
The worst of what Wang Lijun’s incident could bring in
has not arrived yet.
The final peak is to blow off Jiang Zemin and
Zhou Yongkang’s faction.

Writer Tie Liu believes that Wang’s incident is unprecedented
during the CCP’s 60 years of rule in China.

It exposes its disgraceful matters internationally.

Judicial injustice, the people are persecuted, but
have no where to appeal.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Song Feng and Xue Li
