【禁闻】《金融时报》采薄被拒 薄家现军官




Financial Times Reporter Rejected, by Military Guard at
Bo Xilai’s house

The Financial Times said on March 25th that one of their
journalists tried to interview Bo Xilai, but was rejected.
At least three CCTVs were in Bo’s Beijing mansion and a
young guard in military uniform came to answer the door.
The reporter asked if he could interview Bo, Bo’s wife and

The guard said, “They don’t accept interviews, you can’t
interview here, go away.”
Bo’s neighbors and local shop owner said they couldn’t
confirm if Bo and his family were inside the house or not.
The Financial Times quoted a source that Bo and his wife had
been arrested and would face some charges.
Sources also said after Bo’s dismissal on March 15th, there was
no official explanation, while rumors spread over the internet.
Some said the “coup in Beijing” was failed, some claimed
“murdering” took place.

On March 24th, reporter of Caijing magazine said in his blog
that Bo’s son Guagua’s “British Nanny” died in Chongqing.
Wang Lijun was in charge of the case and without any
Investigation had the nanny’s body cremated straight away.
Later, another netizen posted that a couple of years ago,
Guagua’s foreign life assistant suddenly died in Chongqing.
Bo as an emergency called Wang to handle the case, didn’t do
an autopsy or preserve the body, cremating it directly.
Wang provided a sudden death report at that time.

On Sunday (March 25th), British foreign office asked China
to investigate the case after seeing netizen’s information.
A British Foreign office spokesman said that a British man,
Nick Heywood died in Chongqing in Nov. 2011 having been
cremated. He said Chinese netizen posts on microblog raise
questions about his death. We request China to investigate it.

Hong Kong’s new Chief Executive election finally ended,
Leung Chun-ying was elected with 689 votes.
Leung was exposed by many media previously: he was a
underground member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Now Hong Kong residents are angry, mainland Chinese also
expressed their worries on the web for Hong Kong’s future.
Some posts said, “Looks like Hong Kong’s CCP ruling Hong
Kong is a fact which has to be accepted.”
Some people encourage HK residences to fight, “HK friends,
take the chance to act when you have rights to say NO”.
Or, “The massacre of 23 years ago will reoccur under the rule
of “Wolf (Leung’s Chinese pronunciation) party secretary.”y.”
