【禁闻】薄熙来七宗罪缠身 软禁河北





美国“中国社会民主党 中央委员会”主持人刘因全,对薄熙来和他妻子谷开来杀害英国人这一件事情,感到恐惧和愤怒。










采访编辑/唐睿 后制/朱娣


Bo Xilai under HouseArrest and Seven Crimes Exposed

Bo Xilai’s crimes have been exposed since his ouster.

Bo committed at least seven crimes during his reign,
according to comments from outside observers.
Sources have said that Bo Xilai has been placed under
house arrest in Hebei,
Bo’s detention is controlled by Zhang Qingli,
Hu Jintao’s henchman.

On April 12, Japan’s Sankei Shimbun reported that

Bo Xilai had been placed under house arrest in the
northern Hebei Province.
Hu Jintao’s henchman, Zhang Qingli, the CCP secretary
of Hebei, has reportedly taken charge of Bo Xilai.
Bo’s contact with senior CCP officials in Beijing has been
completely cut off.
A large number of armed police have been deployed around
Bo’s confinement residence, according to the news report.

Since Bo was removed from his post as Chongqing’s
CCP Secretary,
several of his minions have been sacked or detained,

they were mainly charged with corruption,
according to the Sankei Shimbun report.

On April 10, the CCP regime stated in its official document
that Bo Xilai and his wife Gu Kailai were both implicated in Briton Neil Heywood’s murder.

Liu Yinyuan, Chair of the Chinese Social Democratic Party,
is said to be horrified and angry over Bo and Gu’s involvement in the murder.

Liu Yinyuan said: “Just imagine those Chinese people
who aren’t under the protection of foreign consulates.
Hasn’t it been too easy for Bo Xilai to murder them?
Where can Chinese victims voice their grievances?"

Liu Yinyuan comments that if Wang Lijun had not visited
the U.S. Consulate and exposed the inside stories,
Bo Xilai’s crimes would not have been discovered yet.

He may still have been able to enter the Politburo Standing
Committee and to have become the head of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee(PLAC).
That would have meant that Bo would have been fully
empowered to exert a dictatorship over the Chinese people.
So severely punishing Bo Xilai is in line with the interests of
the Chinese people and with historical trends, says Liu Yinyuan.

Liu Yinyuan says: “For example, Bo Xilai was able to do
whatever he liked when he suppressed Falun Gong.
Especially as Jiang Zemin had ordered that any killing
would be recorded as suicide.
Bo was even able to set up corpse factories in Dalian for the
sale of organs and to exhibit parts of Falun Gong practitioners’ bodies around the world.
They dared to harvest organs from living Falun Gong practitioners
and to sell them for huge profits on an international market.
The Blood Debt clan had reaped huge financial benefits
from killing for organs,
this encouraged them to continue their murderous spree
right up until the killing of the westerner Neil Heywood.”

Asia Week’s cover story has said that Bo Xilai is related to
at least seven crimes, including:
implication with his wife Gu Kai Lai in the killing of Neil Heywood;
serious violation of (CCP) organizational discipline;
endangering national security for having close ties with a
foreign businessman who had a background in intelligence;
manipulation of the internet and foreign media to attack
the CCP and the CCP’s leaders;
wire-tapping the CCP Central Committee leaders;
penetrating the CCP Central Guard Bureau;
trampling the rule of law, randomly fighting vice and
messing up the system of PLAC;
setting up a separate political centre as opposed to that of
the CCP Central Committee.

Commentator Heng He says that Bo Xilai could not make
waves using only his own power.
How could Chongqing’s anti-vice and red-song singing campaign
create such a large number of cases of injustice? Henghe asks.

Heng He goes on: “It is because the CCP system has
interfered with China’s judicial independence.
In fact, what the entire event has unveiled is
the CCP’s true nature.
Anyone staying inside this closed circle
will be always confined by it."

Heng He notes that the most fundamental and the
only way out to finally solve all problems in China is to disintegrate the CCP entirely.

Heng He says: “This is because if you don’t take this path,
you will not find any alternative ways out of this circle of disaster.
In other words, this way out is actually not offered for
the CCP generally,
but for any CCP leader who is brave enough to
break with the past and to take this road out.
This leader’s way out will be for him to follow the examples of
Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin at the time of the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
They actually saved their country, they saved their nation,
and they also wisely saved themselves."

Liu Yinquan adds that the CCP has no independent
Supervisiory organ, so CCP officials do whatever they want.
Bo Xilai’s ending up trapped in the situation in which
he finds himself today is made possible
because the CCP’s system itself sets the conditions
for such crimes to be committed.
