


方励之遗体告别仪式,4月14号下午在美国亚利桑那州图森市举行。媒体报导,方励之夫人李淑娴表示,方励之的骨灰未来是否迁回中国安葬? 要看中共的态度。



不过今天中国的很多年轻人,根本不知道方励之是谁,对他去世的消息也毫不知情。 《美国之音》报导说,是中共的屏蔽政策,令大陆民众集体失忆。





采访/易如 编辑/周平 后制/君卓


Will Fang Lizhi’s soul return to his hometown?

On April 15th 23 years ago, Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) former General Secretary Hu Yaobang died.
It caused the June 4th democracy movement
in mainland China.
At that time, Fang Lizhi advocated to reflect the value
of democracy and human rights.
He was known as the astrophysicist and spiritual mentor
of the Tiananmen generation.
His family held funeral ceremony for him last Saturday.

Whether his ashes can return to his hometown has become
a topic of concern for Chinese democracy activists.
The following are some of their views.

Known as the “Chinese Sakharov", Professor Fang Lizhi,

Liu Bingyan and Wang Ruowang were regarded as the
leaders of the student democracy movement in 1986.
In 1987, they were expelled from the CCP
and their employment, and suffered nationwide criticism.
They went abroad in exile one after another,
and now all of them have passed away abroad.

Fang Lizhi’s funeral ceremony was held in the afternoon
of April 14th in Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Media reported that Li Shuxian, Fang’s wife, said that
whether Fang’s ashes would return to China depends on the attitude of the CCP.

Zheng Cunzhu, Los Angeles-based pro-democracy activists:
“We are all Chinese, and we have the right to return to our own country.
Especially such a person as Mr. Fang, he has already died
overseas while being in exile.
However, we still hope that he could truly realize his desire
that his ashes will be able to return to his own country.
But we all know that CCP has its saying for June 4th.

So far we cannot see any loosening, namely, there are no
signs they will actively vindicate June 4th, nor are they admitting their murder is wrong."

In 1989, after the Tiananmen massacre, Fang and his wife
went into the U.S. embassy to seek asylum.
One year later, they left China.
On April 6th, he died suddenly at his home in Arizona, USA.
It caused infinite grief and mourning for overseas Chinese.

The overseas pro-democracy and human rights activists,
such as Wang Dan, Wang Chaohua, Xiao Qiang,
Li Xiaorong Zheng Cunzhu and other people,
attended Fang’s farewell ceremony.

However, many young people in China today simply
do not know who Fang is, nor have knowledge of his death.
Voice of America reported that because of CCP internet
blocking, mainland Chinese people collectively forgot about it.

Zheng Cunzhu (Los Angeles-based pro-democracy activist):
“April 15th is also the anniversary of Hu Yaobang’s death 23 years ago.
In that year, his death caused students’ mourning,
and led to the occurrence of June 4th incident.
So at this sensitive time, it was the death of Fang.
There is even not any news of his death.
So CCP is worried that people will think about the brutal
repression because of Fang’s death.
So the CCP currently dares not to mention any event
or person related to June 4th incident."

Zhang Jian, Chairman of “China Democratic National
Committee Committee”, also said why Fang Lizhi,
Liu Binyan and Wang Ruowang dedicated their lives
to China’s democracy and the cause of freedom.
They were exposed to the concept of Western democracy,
and found the benefits that Chinese people dream of.
And these benefits are the universal values of human beings.

Zhang Jian: “In such a contained country as ours, these
things are seen as ghosts and goblins. So they do not recognize Western values.
Under this system, everyone is for self-preservation
and feels in danger. It is a system.
It brings great harm to our people.
That’s why we say no to this system.
We have to use various ways to change it peacefully,
to overthrow it."

Zhang Jian also thinks that the Chinese pro-democracy
activists in exile returning to China is not a simple problem
of individuals going back, but is the idea of the return
of democracy.
But now, with the complex political situation in China,
under the circumstances of the CCP brutal struggle,
it’s not possible for the CCP to open the lid,
letting them return to their home country.
