【禁闻】薄熙来“私人卫队” 刑逼致死三警察

【新唐人2012年4月20日讯】薄熙来“私人卫队” 刑逼致死三警察














Bo Xilai’s Praetorian Guard Tortured 3 Policemen to Death

BBC Chinese version cited the Times’ report of April 19,
that according to Chongqing sources Bo Xilai had a Praetorian Guard.
“It consisted of 46 young men all between 23 and 27.
All of them were at least 180cm tall.
They technically belonged to the Chongqing Guard Bureau
but Bo’s 46 men took orders from nobody but him."

The news report states that several hours after
Wang Lijun entered the U.S. consulate,
Bo ordered to stop the probe into his wife
Gu Kailai’s role in Neil Heywood death.
11 police minions of Wang Lijun were said to be arrested
by Bo’s Praetorian Guard, following Bo Xilai’s order.

Hong Kong’s Asia Weekly reported that
due to investigation into Heywood’s death,
five henchmen and the driver of Wang Lijun were secretly
arrested by Bo Xilai.
Three of them were tortured to death.
Wang, feeling the danger, fled in panic.
Asia Weekly deduced that if Bo is proved to be a principal
factor in these murders, he would get the death penalty.

—- CCP official probe into enormous assets of Bo & Gu families —-

The CCP top-level’s probe into Bo Xilai has expanded
beyond criminal investigation.
Overseas assets owned by families of Bo and his wife Gu
also became subject of the official investigation.

Hong Kong’s Asia Weekly revealed that the Beijing regime
has dispatched a task force to Hong Kong.
The workgroup consists of members from public security
and finance department.
They went to Hong Kong to investigate enormous assets,
owned by Bo’ and Gu’ families and their hidden convoluted connections.

The fathers of Bo and Gu are both CCP veterans. Bo Xilai’s
father is Bo Yibo, one of the Eight Elders of the CCP.
Bo Xilai’s elder brother, in an alias name, was named
as deputy general manager of Everbright Group.
Everbright was established by the CCP’s State Council,
the annual salary of Bo’s elder brother was USD1.7 million.

Gu Kailai was the youngest daughter of Gu Jingsheng.
Bloomberg news revealed Gu’s four sisters are all wealthy.
They run a network of enterprises
from Beijing to Hong Kong, to the Caribbean.
Their assets were estimated to be
at least USD126 million (RMB1 billion.)

—- Two More Tibetan self-immolations in Aba, Sichuan —-

On April 19, in Aba, Sichuan, two more Tibetans have
self-immolated to protest the CCP’s rule over Tibet.

Radio Free Asia quoted sources in India’s Dharamsala,
that the two Tibetan victims were cousins from Dzamthang (Rangtang) county in Ngaba (Aba) prefecture.
They set themselves on fire near a monastery.

Local Tibetans tried to douse the flames and took them
back home. but the two died several hours later.

After the incident, some Tibetans held a rally
to express their support.
With the arrival of police and other security forces,
local external communication was reportedly cut off.

The previous self-immolation in Tibet was 20 days ago,
on March 30.

With the latest incident the Tibetans’ self-immolation figure
went up to 35 since 2009. 25 of them died of severe burns.
