【禁闻】新京报自喻小丑 微博道歉一天被删










“纽西兰国会记者团协会”会员记者王宁: “我知道中央高层对于维权人士的态度不一样,一直有争议。可能发表社论的时候是中共某一领导人要搞的,后来可能中共常委啊或者什么人物在一起开会,也有其他的观点。”




采访/刘惠 撰稿/王子琦 后制/李月

Beijing News’ Clown Apology Stayed Online for 1-Day

Last Friday, many newspapers controlled by Beijing Party
Secretary Liu Qi, such as Beijing Daily, Beijing Times,
Beijing Youth Daily, abused Chen Guangcheng and America.

Strangely, Beijing News later published on Sina Twitter
a “clown apology”
which remained there for 24 hours before disappearing.
This apology attracted a lot of speculation.

Regarding Chen Guangcheng, Chinese media condemned
America’s interference in China’s internal affairs in unified tone.

May 4, Beijing News published an editorial titled “Diplomats
Should not Go beyond Their Official Work,” indirectly criticizing U.S. ambassador Gary Locke.

At 0:00 on May 5, however, Beijing News published a strange
“apology" at Sina microblogging.
It says, “In the middle of the night, I remove mask of imposture
and say “sorry," to my true self. Good night."
The post is illustrated with a clown smoking alone
next to a circus tent.

Although only a handful of lines, this microblogging
was forwarded nearly 10,000 times.
Many netizens read the clown as Beijing News’s self metaphor,
alluding to the forced criticism of U.S. ambassador. It therefore said sorry to the readers.

Zhang Jian, scholar of Chinese social problems,
said he could feel some media workers’ conscience within the CCP system.

Zhang Jian, scholar on Chinese social problems points out

Beijing News has to follow the order of CCP’s
Central Propaganda Department to denounce Locke,
but Beijing News’ staff with conscience issued
such an apology late at night.
This is the voice of a real man, although it disappeared soon.

I believe within the CCP system there are many people with
conscience like this.

Washington Post sees Beijing News’ activity as very “unusual",
as if retreating from the stance of the previous day’s editorial.
Netizens said Beijing News uses a clown as self-metaphor.

His own throat pinched, the clown has to involuntarily be
insincere, which incurs true lament.

It is noteworthy that the clown picture remained on
Sina Twitter until May 6.
Why was the always-responsive Communist Party
tolerant to this microblog post? This again triggered speculation.

Wang Ning, member of New Zealand Association of
I know that at central level CCP is divided regarding social
The newspaper editorials might have been produced by one
official, while others had different points of view.

Zhang Jian believes there must be deeper reasons.

Zhang Jian: “All the signs show the CCP’s different factions
are competing against each other over the Chen Guangcheng incident.
Officials on the side of the Political and Judiciary Committee
might want Chen to leave for America.
Wen Jiabao might want Chen to stay
in China to promote institutional reform.
That microblog post stayed online for some time probably
because the officials of the latter group were in charge.”

The Shandong legal activist Chen Guangcheng miraculously
fled from house arrest, bringing public attention to the CCP’s Political and Judiciary Committee.
Some commentators say this incident completely shows the
stupidity and arrogance of the CCP’s Political and Judiciary Committee.
