刘因全:“这个血债派他们很害怕改革,因为一改革以后势必要否定共产党。要把共产党做的,从他一建国开始的,打击地主,镇压黑五类,一直到文革,一直到镇压法轮功,镇压基督教家庭教会。 一直走到现在这些坏事,全部要反掉。反掉以后,共产党那就完全完了,他就成为历史上的一个犯罪集团,会遭到清算。”
采访编辑/唐睿 后制/肖颜
Empty Promise: CCP’s Social Group Registration Reform
The Civil Affairs Minister of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claimed to reform the existing civil groups’ registration system. The reform will realize the registration of political or human rights civil society groups, who will enjoy equal treatment when licensed. However, China’s citizens consider it an empty promise. With China’s harsh human rights environment, the public suspects it is the regime’s bait to acquire information regarding community groups for further suppression.
On May 7 at an official press conference, the CCP Civil Affairs Official claimed to have eased restrictions on registering social groups. Applications for establishing a social group can be filed directly at civil affairs departments, without being attached to an affiliated business.
Media reported that a social group is required to be attached to a specific working unit before getting official registration. This explains the main reason why numerous civil groups haven’t applied for an official license so far.
Chair of the Social Democratic Party of China Liu Yinquan is “not optimistic” about the regime’s latest claim.
Liu Yinquan: “I figured they set up some internal regulations as the precondition for registration. They certainly won’t approve certain groups’ application, such as our Social Democratic Party of China. They’ll label it as a hostile force, against the Constitution. We will be given a variety of excuses that prevent our registration.”
Reporters asked, “Will political or human rights civil groups be eligible to apply for registration?” The official answered that political or human rights groups are not the focus of development. The two groups are treated equally upon registration, but conditions and necessity of establishment will be reviewed.
The latest data shows that at of the end of 2011, China had 457,500 registered social organizations. But each of them, more or less, has an official background. So far, the official civil affairs departments has not yet granted
licenses to political, or human rights organizations.
China citizen Mr. Shi said that the CCP is often unable to implement its reform plans. He expressed that the regime may also use this as bait; When a group cannot meet its requirement, it will use all the information it acquires to suppress its members.
Mr. Shi: “More than once, they made such promises in history, but they were often empty promises. So I’m just cautiously optimistic for the time being."
Liu Yinquan notes that in China there exists “the 2nd Central authorities.”
It is composed of “the blood-debt clan”, represented by Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, Zhou Yongkang, and Bo Xilai. All these members fear and oppose the reform, Liu says.
Liu Yinquan: “The blood-debt clan fears reform very much. This is because the reform will bring a complete denial of the CCP. That is, all crimes that the CCP has committed in history will be opposed, from its taking power in China to the suppression of landlords and the “five blacklisted categories,” to the launch of the Cultural Revolution, to today’s persecution of Falun Gong and Christian Family Church. At that time, the CCP will completely collapse as a criminal
gang to be brought to justice.”
Liu Yinquan adds that most of the civil groups in China are not licensed.
Their legitimacy is totally up to the CCP’s discretion. Those groups that are favorable without danger to the CCP are approved to get licenses. Yet some groups with real aims to achieve something for China are often shut out of registration, says Liu Yinquan.