【禁闻】陈光诚:当局威胁家人 报复开始

【新唐人2012年5月11日讯】陈光诚:当局威胁家人 报复开始




半岛记者离京 美吁驱逐中国记者

《半岛电视台》驻北京记者美籍华人陈嘉韵(Melissa Chan),被北京当局驱逐后,引起国际舆论的强烈反应,驻华外国记者俱乐部和美国报纸报导说,这是中共近年来限制外国记者的“最极端实例” 。而美国专家则呼吁美国采取报复行动,驱逐中国驻美记者。

据《美国之音》报导,著名“华盛顿保守派智库传统基金会”(The Heritage Foundation)亚太新闻“华盛顿圆桌会”主任尼克•察恩(Nick Zahn)发表声明说,美国记者被中共驱逐事件让人们看到鲜明的反差,一方面是美国愿意向中国记者颁发签证,并允许他们在美国有完全的自由报导,而另一方面,外国记者却在中国受到限制和威吓。



Revenge against Chen Guangcheng’s Family

Currently blind activist Chen Guangcheng is staying at Beijing
Chaoyang Hospital waiting for his passport to visit America.
In a May 10 interview he said his nephew, Chen Kegui, is being
detained by Shandong police, his wife is missing, and his father and older brother are under house arrest.
Chen Guangcheng believes this is the authorities’ retaliation
for his fleeing the Shigu village.

Overseas media reported that Chen Guangcheng believes
Shandong authorities have already begun seeking revenge against him.
He said Shandong public security officers made it clear
that they were holding Chen Kegui.
The authorities threatened his brother and sister-in-law, saying
They must find Chen Kegui’s wife within 24 hours to avoid going to jail.
His sister-in-law was already on bail for “harboring a criminal.”

Chen Guangcheng expressed deep worry about his family,
and called for public attention.

Public Call for Expulsion of Chinese Reporters as Al Jazeera Reporter Leaves China

Melissa Chan, American-Chinese reporter for Al Jazeera
Beijing, was expelled by Chinese authorities, causing international concern.
Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China and American
newspapers reported that this is the most extreme instance of CCP’s restriction against foreign journalists in recent years.
American experts called for the United States to take retaliatory
actions to expel Chinese correspondents in America.

According to Voice of America, Nick Zahn, director
of Washington Roundtable for the Asia-Pacific Press in The Heritage Foundation,
said in a statement that CCP’s expulsion of American journalist
shows a sheer contrast between the two countries.
While U.S. welcomes Chinese reporters with complete freedom
of speech, foreign journalists in China are restricted and threatened.

Zahn said, although Melissa Chan works for Al Jazeera, U.S.
should continue its attention and take definitive actions as retaliation.
He suggested U.S. cancel the visa of one, or a group of Chinese
reporters, preferably famous reporters.

Qatar’s Al Jazeera English channel released a statement on May 8
saying its only correspondent in China was denied visa renewal.
CCP also refused to issue visa to an alternative Al Jazeera
As a result, this channel’s Beijing office was forced to close.
