【禁闻】绝无仅有 美为陈光诚办三次听证会












陈光诚表示,他目前最关心的是,在山东的迫害什么时候能停止。他要求, 10年来凡是参与了对他和对他家人的迫害,不管是幕后的决策者还是执行者,只要触犯了法律,就应该依法做出处理。




3rd US Congressional Hearing For Chen Guangcheng

On May 15, the US Congress held a third hearing
on the case of blind rights activist Chen Guangcheng.
Chen Guangcheng also participated
in the hearing over the phone.
It is deemed unprecedented that in less than half a year,
the US Congress held three hearings for a Chinese citizen who is persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Since last December, the US Congress has held
three hearings on Chen Guangcheng’s persecution case.
Website Canyu.org says this is unprecedented.

The May 15th’ Congressional hearing was chaired
by Republican Rep. Christopher Smith R-N.J..
Rights activists testifying at the hearing included Bob Fu,
President of China Aid Association,
Wei Jingsheng, Chair of Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition,
Chai Ling, former leader of June 4th Tian’anmen movement,
and Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.

At the hearing, Pastor Bob Fu introduced
the latest progress on Chen’s case.
Chen’s nephew Chen Kegui has been arrested
in Shangdong on charge of “intentional homicide."
Almost all members of “Chen Kegui’ lawyers’ team” are
subjected to a degree of official suppression, Bob Fu said.
The current situation suggests the CCP regime will not
handle Chen Kegui’s case fairly, Bob Fu concluded.

On May 17th, Beijing-based lawyer Ding Xikui told NTD,
he and Shanghai-based lawyer Si Weijiang have been to Linyin to go through defense formalities for Chen Kegui.
However, the local authorities rejected their applications.

The official pretext was that personnel handling the case
was on a business trip, thus they have to wait to get the official interview notice first.
Both lawyers now have left Linyin, Shandong Province.

Chen Guangcheng deduces that Chen Kegui might have
been tortured, thus authorities refused lawyers to meet him.
The authorities fear the lawyers will see the truth,
thus they are delaying it as much as possible.

Chen Guangcheng: “Due to my escape, Shandong
authorities act irrationally. What they’ve done, are unreasonable and unbelievable."

Website Wqw2010.blogspot.com.br confirmed
that Chen’s family has been abused.
The Wqw2010’s liaison officer revealed, early on April 27,
Dong Shigu Village Head Zhang Jian,
leading a group of thugs, broke into the home of
Chen Guangcheng’s brother.
Chen’s brother Chen Guangfu
was head hooded and taken away.
In Yinan Public Security Bureau, handcuffed and chained
Chen Guangfu was severely beaten by policemen for hours.
The police pressed him to reveal
how Chen Guangcheng had escaped.
Later thugs intruded into Chen Kegui’s home again,
violently beating Chen Kegui and his mother.

Until today, Chen Guangfu has no sensation
in his left hand and right foot.

At the hearing Wei Jingsheng reminded Chen Guangcheng:
Do not accept the lawyers offered by the CCP authorities.

Chen Guangcheng: “It is not surprising. The (Chinese Regime)
own no trust in people’s heart for what they’ve done for decades,
no wonder people naturally have such an impression.

Even the persecution against me was done in the name
of the (Chinese Regime) central authorities."

Chen Guangcheng said right now his main concern
is when the persecution will stop in Shangdong.
He asked the authorities to legally punish all participants,
in his’ and his family’ persecution over the past 10+ years.
Regardless of who behind-the-scenes decision makers
or executers are, that broke the law, Chen said.

Chen revealed good news that with CCP’ top-level urging,
Shandong authority is processing the procedure of passports for him and his family.

However, Wei Jingsheng warned at the hearing
that the CCP uses all means to pursue their goals.
The CCP regime consists of interest groups. The national
interests often become bargaining chips, Wei remarked.
One interest group’s commitment
can often be targeted by other CCP’s factions.
The US did not see through CCP, giving Chen Guangcheng
back to the CCP police authorities, he said.
The US government makes a wrong political judgment,
thus Chen Guangcheng suffers more, said Wei.
