












军事委员会的调查证实,这些产品都来自一家位于深圳的没有任何详细资料的“宏兴达科技有限公司(Hong Dark Electronic)”。




Media Revealed Zhou Yongkang’s Family Selling Official
Ranks For Profit

Following further investigation of Bo Xilai case, Zhou Yong-
kang, Secretary of Political and Legal Affairs Committee
(PLAC), was exposed in the public as his. family members used
PLAC’s power to collect money underhandedly.

The Epoch Times cited insiders that Zhou’s family members
were accumulating wealth by controlling the lawsuit.
They were also selling official ranks of judicial system.

Most of his family members are tycoons, possessing many
properties inside and outside China.
In addition, they transferred large amounts of money into
overseas banks.

Insiders said that PLAC system was selling ranks, forming
gang groups they controlled.
For example, in Tianjin police bureau, 300,000 Yuan can buy
a vice Director position.
Nearly 1,000 vice director positions were sold in six months.

Insiders revealed that Zhou’s cousins were all engaged in the
selling ranks business.
They were in areas such as Bejing, Wuxi, Shanghai Shuzhou
and Shenzhen.
They used Zhou’s privilege of PLAC power to control judicial
Zhou’s son, Zhou Bin had properties in Hong Kong, Paris,
Shanghai, Jiangsu and Beijing,
He also deposited huge amounts of money into the banks in
Switzerland, the U.S. and Hong Kong.

In addition, Century Weekly magazine disclosed that Zhou Bin
was suspected to be collecting money in court cases.
In Gansu, Shanxi and Liaoning, major cases haven’t been
proper trials after Zhou Bin’s involvement.
One example was a case filed in Supreme Court, where police
poured boiling water onto a suspect’s head, causing his death.
After Zhou Bin collected huge amounts of money, the police
didn’t get charged for his death.

Zheng Shaodong, formerly assistant to Minister of Public
Security when investigated, confessed under Huang Guangyu.
He said that Zhou Bin used Zhou Yongkang’s
influence doing business.
So in Sichuan major projects, he bought and sold land through
the Ministry of Land and Resources making a profit.
He intervened National Petroleum Corp’s petrochemical project,
selling official ranks.
He particularly used his father’s influence collecting large
amounts of protection fees from illegal businessmen.

China-Made Counterfeit Parts for US Military Aircraft.

The U.S. Senate found China’s counterfeit electronic parts
were used in US military equipment.
However, China didn’t co-operate with the US’s investigation,
and denied them their visa to come and investigate in China. It aroused more worries.

On May 21st, the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC)
released a report.
This said that large amount of counterfeit electronic parts from
China are being used in US military aircraft.
Including “Hellfire” missiles on SH-60B Navy helicopters,
C-130J, C27J cargo planes, Navy P-8A Poseidon electronic parts.

SASC said fake electronic parts would affect military’s
performance and reliability of defense.
SASC also said it threatened national security, endangering
the safety of military personnel.

According to the report at least 70% of the suspected one
million fake parts were from China.

SASC said these fake parts came from Hong Dark Electronic
in Shenzhen.

SASC tried to send staffs to investigate in China, hoping to
find more details of fake parts, but the CCP denied their visas.

Comments said that Hong Dark Electronics’ background
was suspicious.
However, the Chinese regime refusing visas are even more

On May 16th, the US government put 10 related companies
including Hong Dark Electronic into their black list.
