【禁闻】评互联网实名制扩大 加速中共解体



“全球自由信息运动”创办人张新宇教授认为,“实名制”在老百姓对中共还存有恐惧时会管用,但是今天的中国人在哪里都敢骂中共,“实名制”就失效了。他说,中共对网络的控制,只不过给利益集团带来了一个捞钱的机会, 只会给中共领导人带来更大的灾难。






大陆维权律师 唐吉田:“实际上是属于法外的一种要求,网络运营商他没有义务向警方提供所有的公民个人的信息。”




采访编辑/刘惠 后制/萧宇

Internet Real-Name System, Accelerating Communist Party’s Collapse

Recently, the three administrative departments under
the State Council jointly issued a draft amendment titled
“Measures for the Management of Internet Information Services.”

Real-name registration will be tested in 5 cities on China’s
major microblog, Sina Weibo, followed by nationwide expansion.
Online forums and microblogs will demand real-name
registration in order to use the services.
Experts point out that due to the openness of the internet and
online networking, it has become an enemy of lies and violence.
Under the internet’s developing environment, the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) is put more on edge.
The aims of the measures taken is so that, once again,
interest groups may grasp tax payers’ money, putting it into their own pocket.
This brings trouble to the internet service providers,
increasing the public’s anger and accelerating the CCP’s collapse.

On June 7, the State Internet Information Office, Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology issued a new draft
amendment on methods of internet management.
Most of the document’s contents relate to the real-name system.

Prof. Zhang Xinyu, founder of the Global Freedom of
Information Campaign commented on the issue.
He said the real-name system could only work when people
still fear the CCP.
Now people dare to criticize the CCP no matter where,
the real-name system won’t have any affect.
Zhang added, the CCP’s control of the internet can only create
chances for interest groups to make money through scams.
However, it can only bring disasters to CCP leaders.

Zhang Xinyu: “It’s useless, the internet’s nature is to open
communication, so CCP’s new rule won’t have any effect.
Without political reforms, the CCP will certainly collapse.

There are two kinds of collapse: the first being that you lead
China toward democracy and let it happen naturally.
The second, people overthrow you, [in which case] you will
absolutely be put on trial no matter where you escape to.
Chinese people’s retaliation is frightening, very

Zhang said that in order to prolong its last breath,
the CCP attempts to seal people’s mouths and ears.
However, the nature of the internet is to open the freedom of
speech and communication. This nature has cut off the CCP’s survival.

Zhang Xinyu: “The CCP lives on lying to and deceiving people,
the internet is there to expose its evil nature, stopping its bad behavior.
This means the CCP has no environment to survive,
like animals facing the extinction and elimination.”

Rule 19 of the draft amendment stated that internet service
providers have a responsibility to backup data and report to Internet Information office and the police.
The draft requires service providers to record their clients’
sent and received information, keeping it for 6 months.
In addition, logs are to be kept for a year, and technical
support must be provided to the police and national security agencies.

Human rights lawyer Tang Jitian said that these rules will
increase significant burden on internet operation. At the same time it lacks legitimacy.

Tang Jitian: “Actually the rules are outside the law, internet
providers have no obligation to leak users personal information to police.
Without supervision and restriction, there’s no guarantee that
the information won’t be misused by police. It also implies violation of civil rights.”

The draft details the prohibition of any unit or individual
spreading information online.
It includes: endangering national security, leaking state secrets,
subversion of state power, incitement to ethnic hatred,
as well as undermining social stability.
Many regulated contents are still unclear.

Writer Jing Chu said that the authorities can persecute
anyone with these charges.
Many lawyers, journalists and intellectuals were subjected to
imprisonment after being labeled with these charges.

Online reporter Zhou Shuguang told NTD that the real-name
system has already existed in China.
In 2005, his personal website was shut down after the
real-name system was implemented.
One week later, Zhou had no choice but to move his website
server to the U.S. web host named DreamHost.
