【新唐人2012年6月23日讯】中菲黄岩岛争端还没有结束,中越在南中国海又起冲突。 6月21号,《越南海洋法》把西沙群岛和南沙群岛包含在越南主权和管辖范围内。中共外交部对此提出抗议,同时国务院批准设立地级三沙市管辖西沙、中沙、南沙群岛的岛礁及附近海域。专家指出,中共一贯“以领土换和平”的卖国外交政策,给了他国以可乘之机,另外“民主阵营”对“共产独裁”的最后围剿也是大势所趋。
采访编辑/刘惠 后制/葛雷
Why Vietnam Dare to Claim territorial control over West and South Paracel Islands?
The dispute over the Huangyan Islands between China and
the Philippines has not yet ended
Further conflicts arose between China and Vietnam over the
South China Sea.
On June 21st, Vietnamese Sea Law included West and South
Paracel Island within its territorial control.
The Chinese foreign ministry protested against it.
At the same time, Vietnam congress announced ownership
and its rights to manage West and South Paracel Islands.
The Chinese foreign ministry claims this action severely
infringes China’s territorial sovereignty.
History professor Liu Yinquan believes that the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) have always managed territorial issues
with the “country selling policy”; letting the Vietnamese
government believe it can occupy China’s land at will.
Liu Yin Quan: “This concession has let Vietnam see China’s
weakness on territorial matters and peoples’ benefits.
Under this condition, even small countries like Vietnam and
the Philippines have the guts to bully China.
This is caused by the CCP’s “country selling policy”.
In 1879, Deng Xiaoping launched a Defensive Counterattack
against Vietnam in order to obtain power from Hua Guofeng.
According to information published, more than 10,000
Chinese soldiers were sacrificed in the struggle.
After Deng Xiaoping obtained military power,
he handed the land back to Vietnam.
Liu Yinquan: “Through counterattacking Vietnam, Deng
obtained power.
After this goal was achieved, he stepped back on the Vietnam
issue returning the territory back to Vietnam.
Now Vietnam becomes more insatiable and they even want
West Paracel Islands too.”
Liu Yinquan believes a reason for conflicts within China
include dictatorship and disharmony with western democracy.
These also cause neighboring countries to be ready to make
trouble for China.
Liu points out China should strengthen its cooperation with
the U.S. and other western countries under the condition of giving up its dictatorship.
China State Council recently approved the removal of
Government offices at West, South and Middle Paracel Islands in Hainan Province.
The CCP then set up jurisdiction under regional levels by
coastal areas.
This is the first time China has established a specialized
administrative body.
Current affairs commentator Lan Shu believes this method
conflicts with the previous slogan of “developing together”.
However, this tough practice can act to transfer
domestic grievances.
Lan Shu: “Despite international criticisms towards the CCP,
it continues to use this method of bribery.
The International Monetary Fund meeting just ended;
the foreign aid provided by the CCP is more than the total
put together of all the other five countries.
Neighboring countries will gradually use tough policies, which
moves Chinese citizens’ attention from China’s social conflicts.”
International current affairs commentator Wen Zhao says
as for Islands on the South China Sea, control and ownership are two separate things.
Currently each country is developing on its claimed territories
which has created a solid reality.
After a long time each country expects it will receive
International recognition of its claim.
Paracel Islands were occupied by Vietnam in the 1970s.
In the Paracel Islands Sea battle, China snatched West Paracel Islands back.
Both parties never reached an agreement concerning
West Paracel Island’s ownership.
Middle Paracel Islands are still controlled by the Philippines,
East Paracel Islands have Taiwanese control, and the situation
for South Paracel Islands are more complicated; Indonesia,
Malaysia, Vietnam and Philippine all have a foothold there.
Currently, the U.S.’s strategic focus has shifted to the Pacific.
Lan Shu believes this is from the intention to avoid threats
and harms the CCP dictatorship has caused.
It’s hard-liner policy will accelerate the speed for the U.S. to
shift its focus.