






香港英文报纸《南华早报》,6月初只以简讯方式报导“六四受害者李旺阳事件”,被外界指责是自我审查之后,6月27号,报社不再续约的外籍记者再次指出, 《南华早报》总编王向伟对他进行政治审查。

最近几天,多家海外媒体先后报导了《南华早报》屡获人权新闻奖的外籍驻华记者慕亦仁(Paul Mooney)不获续约事件,并引述慕亦仁的话说,他的不被续约是因为报导题材敏感。






Scholar: The Chinese Communist Regime Has Lost Legitimacy

Shortly before Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
anniversary on July 1st, the discussion about its legitimacy is getting more attention.
Mass protests have arisen both in mainland China
and Hong Kong.
The CCP’s budget for “maintaining stability” is even
higher than the military budget, according to analysis by overseas scholars.
This indicates that the CCP has lost
the legal basis for its power.

According to Radio Free Asia, Dr. Tao Peng from North
Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, has discussed that
when the budget spent on maintaining the regime’s power
is more than that spent on its military forces,
the regime’s legitimacy is questionable, as it is not established
on the basis of law, but on the grounds of violence.

Dr. Peng said that the legitimacy of a regime lies
in three aspects.
The first is whether the people accept and comply with it;
secondly, it must be accepted by the majority of people.
Finally, only when the people acknowledge this
authority can it be able to gain and maintain stability.

Peng said that not only is the legitimacy of the CCP a
current issue, it also drew unprecedented attention this year;
particularly after Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun’s cases
exposed the corruption of CCP and its dark side that opposes the people and the law.
Besides that, the people of mainland China
are protesting everywhere.

Hong Kong Journalist Denounces Alleged Censorship

The scandal of the Hong Kong newspaper, South China
Morning Post (SCMP) censoring of its coverage of Li
Wangyang’s suspicious “suicide” in June went further,
as its former journalist said that the chief editor had imposed political censorship on him.

In addition, recently, Paul Mooney, award-winning
journalist from SCMP, hit the headlines of many overseas media.
Paul said that he didn’t get his contract renewed
because he reported on sensitive issues.

According to BBC Chinese, Paul said he got the Notice
of Non-renewal last September. He did over 20 Reports,
but usually only the stories on the giant Pandas in China’s
Chengdu city were published.
Meanwhile, the reports on China’s suppression of
Human Rights lawyers, or an interview with Gao Zhisheng’s wife,
for example, were either rejected, reduced or moved
to less noticed spots.

He also said that his foreign journalist co-workers often
had a hard time with the chief editor regarding contents of the coverage,
and his news plans failed to be adopted many times.

Paul said that he finds it unacceptable that SCMP claims
that the reason for the non-renewal was due to an insufficient budget,
because SCMP hired several new journalists
from Beijing shortly after his non-renewal.

Paul started to report on China’s public issues
23 years ago.
He focused on human rights related issues and has
received awards many times.
Meanwhile, Wang Xiangwei, who served in China’s official
state-run media China Daily, was appointed as SCMP’s chief editor in February of this year.
Wang is also a current member of the Jilin provincial
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
