【禁闻】汪洋“壮士断腕”反腐 评:意在沛公






原“山东大学”历史学教授刘因全:“汪洋在广东扎扎实实的在抓一些贪官,在这种情况下他会得到这些下层人民的认同和支持的,当然了,汪洋这样做也冒着一定的风险。 特别一些在台上的一些贪官污吏,他们会利用手中的职权,利用一切机会给汪洋制造麻烦。”



刘因全:“ 中央肯定有江泽民的那一派的人来保护江派的人员,这样就不可能进行,所以这种反腐,即使通过部分开明派的官员的反腐,即使他们的职权很大,但是他的力度还是有限的。”



时事评论员林子旭:“ 我不否认汪洋惩治腐败的这种决心,但是问题是中共的腐败之毒已经扩散至全身,已经浸透到骨髓,整个中共从根子上已经烂透了,在这个时候你断腕又有什么用呢?刮骨又有什么效果呢? 但是他为什么还要这样说,为什么还要在广东高调反腐呢?我认为汪洋是项庄舞剑、意在沛公。 有可能是为其后续的一些大动作在铺路。”


林子旭:“ 一些地方出现了严重的警民冲突,甚至死了很多人,我们有理由猜测这是周永康一伙在胡锦涛访港之际在捣乱,但是这也让汪洋很难堪,这个时候汪洋放出壮士断腕、刮骨疗伤这样的豪言壮语也可以为他挽回一些面子。”


而据海外媒体21号报导,截至目前,在省会广州就已有 200多名官员被拿下,其中包括一些“大鱼”。

采访/常春 编辑/王子琦 后制/萧宇

Analysts: Wang Yang’s Resolve for Anti-Corruption, a Precursor for More Drastic Actions

Ahead of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 18th Congress,
CCP officials of all levels are advocating anti-corruption.
Guangdong’s whole bureaucracy is experiencing
a rare anti-corruption campaign.
Guangdong Provincial Party Secretary, Wang Yang,
said at a meeting:
anti-corruption must be carried out with the determination
of “cutting wrist” and the courage of “scraping the bone to clean toxin.”
What does the outside world think about his words?
Let’s have a look.

On June 28, Wang Yang said at the 91st Anniversary of the
CCP’s Foundation held in Guangdong Province that
anti-corruption must be carried out persistently,
with “wrist cutting” determination and
the courage of “scraping bone to remove toxin.”

Wang Yang said that Guangdong, next to Hong Kong and
Macau, draws high global attention, but some officials have been involved in corruption.
Especially looking at the result of Guangdong’s
Three-Crackdown campaign, there’s indication that
some officials and Party members have even become
umbrellas for crime.

Since February 9, Guangdong province started a “three-
crackdown and two-buildup” campaign aimed at corruption.
Before that, Wang Yang claimed to “break through
barriers, achieve real results and power.”

Liu Yinquan, former history professor at Shandong
University, believes that
Wang Yang’s avocation might be agreed with by some people,
especially by people of the lower class who hate CCP’s corruption so much.

Liu Yinquan: “Wang Yang’s down-to-earth anti-corruption
campaign will be supported by the people of the lower class.
But of course, he also faces potential perils, especially from
the corrupt officials who can use their power to make troubles for Wang Yang.”

Liu Yinquan said that from Wang Yang’s words, it can be seen
that he must know how hard it is to promote anti-corruption in China.
And his political opponents, Jiang and Zhou’s faction,
will likely attempt to challenge Wang Yang by defaming him.

Therefore, Liu Yinquan believes that under the CCP’s regime,
it’s impossible to solve corruption only through the
effort of some open officials, such as Wang Yang
or even higher leaders like Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.

Liu Yinquan: “It’s almost certain that the powers within Jiang
Zemin’s faction in the central government will protect their faction’s officials,
and, if so, the anti-corruption campaign can’t go far.

Even through there are some open officials with
considerable power, the effect is still limited.”

Wang Yang also brought up maintaining the CCP’s so-called
“progressiveness” and “purity” through anti-corruption efforts.

Lin Zixu, current affairs commentator, said that if an
anti-corruption campaign were to truly carried out,
the CCP would inevitably collapse, for sure.
Maintaining the Party is out of the question.

Lin Zixu: “I am not denying Wang Yang’s determination,
but the problem is that corruption has made the CCP rotten to core.
Then, what’s the use of cutting a wrist and scraping the bone?

But why did he say so, and promote a high-profile
anti-corruption campaign in Guangdong?
I believe Wang Yang’s real purpose is
to pave the way for more drastic actions.”

Recently, several massive protests happened in Guangdong,
and the outside world hasn’t excluded the possibility that
Jiang Zemin’s faction is exploiting people’s dissatisfaction
with the CCP to stir up conflicts.
But by promoting high-profile anti-corruption, Wang Yang
is trying to win the people’s hearts and solve the crisis.

Lin Zixu: “There have been severe conflicts between police
and the general public in some places, and many people have even died.
But we do have reason to believe that Zhou Yongkang’s force
who’s making troubles for Hu Jintao
before Hu’s visit to Hong Kong and is also an embarrassment
for Wang Yang.
At this point, his talk of ‘cutting a wrist and scraping bones’
might allow Wang to save face to an extent.”

As Hu Jintao’s countryman and a member of the
Youth League Faction,
Wang Yang has purged Zhou Yongkang’s Political and
Legislative Committee and Jiang Zemin’s Guangdong Faction quite a bit.
This year, not only did he make the surprising remark that,

“the misconception that the people’s welfare is bestowed by
the Party and government must be discarded,”
he also asserted that action needs to be taken
on some Party leaders.

According to overseas media, as of June 21, some 200 officials
have been dismissed, and including several high-level officials.
