【禁闻】中国女航员升天容易 记者发文章难


《法国国际广播电台》报导,6月12号,《南方人物周刊》驻京记者,网名“曹林华发”在微博开女航天员的玩笑,6月18号晚,《江南都市报》首席记者刘祚保也发微博说:“爸爸,为什么要带一个女航天员上天呢? 因为蒙牛、伊利都不能喝了呀!”










采访/田净 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Woman astronaut ascends easily, reporter faces difficulty

Recently, the media in mainland China overwhelmingly
reported about the first Chinese female fighter pilot.
However, different opinions were raised among the public.

Some reporters simply cracked jokes about the female
astronaut on microblogs.
They lost their job, although the articles are popular
with many comments.
A scholar remarked it is difficult to publish an article in China
now, even more difficult than jumping into heaven.

Radio France Internationale reported on June 12 that
a Southern People Weekly correspondent in Beijing
(microblog user name: caolinhuafa) made a joke about
the female astronaut on a microblog.
On June 18, Liu Zuobao, a chief reporter of the Jiangnan
Metropolis Daily also posted on his microblog: “Daddy, why they take a female astronaut?
Because we should not drink Mengniu and Yili milk?”

Although these microblog articles are popular, the two
reporter have been terminated from their positions.

Regarding these two cases, Du Daobin, an activist who has
different views in mainland China, published an article
stating, “Could anyone get the privilege to overwhelm
the freedom of speech by taking a space flight?
Shouldn’t s/he a normal people?
Could s/he take a higher level than other people?”

And Liu Yiming, a freelance writer in China said,
“making jokes” is a kind of freedom of speech.

Liu Yiming: “(CCP) takes astronauts as gods,
and forbidden other people to make jokes about them.
It reflects the rigid political system in China,
and the human rights situation is extremely bad.
The human rights and freedom of speech are weakened due
to special events and special people.
The authorities will take special protection of successful
people or people with the industry background they need.
Based on such situation, domestic media must say something
overwhelmingly, and different views only appear among public.”

Gong Shengli, a researcher on China issues, said in the time
of the Soviet Union, the authorities also did something similar.
Now China is even worse. People have no freedom within
the authoritarian state. It is a inevitable result.

Gong Shengli: “Just think about it, the Communist Youth
League, National People’s Congress, Literary Federation,
Women’s Federation, Writers’ Association, Photographers’
Association and other associations all take state funding.
CCP controls everything, including characters, language,
actions and everyday life.
This kind of monopoly is just like a big tree,
no grass can live under it.”

Gong Shengli said it is normal in China to see all media
report something overwhelmingly.
The TV news every night is just boasting about the CCP.
A normal society with rule of law will not like this.、

Gong Shengli: “The situation in China is that
CCP does not treat you fairly.
Whether right or wrong, if you make some officials angry
or do not follow their rules, they must let you go.
It is difficult to publish an article in China now, even
more difficult than jumping into the heaven.”

Besides, BBC reported, Correspondents’ Club in Hong Kong
published the “2012 annual report on freedom of expression.”
Nearly 60% respondents were worried about freedom
of the press being tightened based on Leung Chun-ying’s governance according to the report.
It also mentioned in the report, there was retrogression
on the freedom of the press in Hong Kong in the
past seven years based on the former Chief Executive,
Donald Tsang’s governance.
The main reason includes HK government tightened
the dissemination of information, media self-censorship and the intervention from Beijing.
