




《世界华人周刊》总编杨恒均也评论说,估计新浪微博要掀起外交纠纷了,按说你关闭一个微博就像掐死一只蚂蚁,但这次你关的是“美国驻上海总领事馆”的,你如果不指出他违反了什么规定与法律, 你知道后果吗?你大概不知道中国官方在西方,尤其是美国,有多少宣传文字与推广窗口吧?

李旺阳尸检报告公布 大批维权人士受控







Spokesman for US Consulate in Shanghai: not associating with rogue

On July 12, the Sina microblog account of the
US Consulate General in Shanghai,
which is deeply loved by netizens of mainland China for
its playful and sharp style, was blocked.
Some netizens speculated that the order to block
the account came from top officials.
Netizens also speculated the cause was that another netizen
asked on his microblog,
“American government, please explain why some Chinese
people of Tianjin were burned to death in New York City.”
Allegedly, the US Consulate General in Shanghai replied,

“It is a sad accident, but we checked all US media reports,
and this accident really did not happen in New York.”

Meanwhile, the account, “@Smith-Harrison”, a spokesman
for the US Consulate General in Shanghai, was also blocked.
However, he immediately created a new account
and said he would not continue to conduct activities on
a social network which is controlled by rogues.
He also wrote on his microblog, “If a party is great,
it would not be afraid of others’ opposition.”

The “Sina blocking microblog account of the US Consulate
General in Shanghai” event caused uproar on the Internet.
Many netizens are talking about it. Some people said that
Sina is now being controlled by a bunch of journalism scum.
Also some people said that Sina is running on the American
market, and
if Sina gets accused by US people (for pulling similar tricks),
Sina will have to prepare a huge compensation.

Yang Heng, chief editor of the World Chinese Weekly,
commented that Sina microblog is expected to have a diplomatic dispute.
Ordinarily speaking, blocking a microblog is as easy
as strangling an ant.
However, this time, what the Chinese Government blocked
is the account of the US Consulate General in Shanghai.
If they don’t point out what legal provisions The US Consulate
violated, there may be serious consequences.
Do you aware of the CCP Regime did how many ways of
its propaganda in the western world, especially in the US.

Li Wangyang autopsy report released, rights activists are being monitored

Li Wangyang, Hunan pro-democracy activist and victim
of the June 4th Incident, died suspiciously over one month ago.
Whether he conducted suicide or was killed by others has been
the conflict at hand between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities and the civil society.
Although the police of Shaoyang said earlier that Li died
from suicide, voices of doubt have risen everywhere.
Under pressure, the CCP authority promised to undertake
a second autopsy.
Although the autopsy report was made on June 19th,
until July 12th, the report was publicized in an internal meeting.
Moreover, not beyond the expectation of outside world,
CCP insists on his suicide.

Regarding such a conclusion, the people in mainland China
and in Hong Kong who are concerned about this incident said they can not accept it.
They think it lacks fairness that the report was done by their
own persons.

On the day that Li’s autopsy report was released,
the Hunan Police seemed to face strong enemies.
They controlled a large number of democrats and
human rights activists.
According to the report of Human Rights Defenders,
in Shaoyang alone, up to 20 persons were being monitored.

Insiders expose Li Wangling’s forged statement

While CCP media of the China News Agency published
Li Wangyang’s autopsy report, they also published a written statement,
which they claimed was done by Li Wangyang’s
family members, Li Wangling and Zhao Baozhu,
claiming they entrusted their unit to communicate
with the outside on their behalf.
The two said in the written statement that
Li Wangyang’s funeral has been taken care of,
they don’t want to contact with the outside world,
don’t want to have any bother, and would not accept any interviews.
This statement was doubted by human rights activists.

Insiders provide Li Wangling’s signature on a copy
of other documents and point out that the signature of Li Wangling was forged.
