【禁闻】外媒揭苏联垮台内幕 中共能挺多久


《外交学者》网站日前发表题为《中国能从苏联垮台中学到什么》(What China Learned from the Soviet Union’s Fall)的文章说,中共善于适应,并不断调整它合法性的基础,这是从它的北方邻居前苏联身上,学到的最宝贵的教训。因此,追究苏联解体的原因,对北京来说仍是一个热门话题。














采访编辑/常春 后制/葛雷

Foreign Media Exposes the Fall of the Soviet Union, How Long Can the CCP Survive?

Recently, the article from the website of
the ‘Foreign Scholar’ points out that,
the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) blame the reasons for
the collapse of the Soviet Union on: “Man", the “System" and the “Western point of view".
The article asked, what can China learn from the fall of
the Soviet Union? After losing faith in Marxism-Leninism,
a socialist economy and communist beliefs, how to
turn a dictatorship into something which can be adapted.
Even if the CCP could do so, how long can it last?

Foreign Scholars-website recently published an article titled
“What China Learned from the Soviet Union’s Fall".
The article says that the CCP is adaptable,
and continuously adjusts the basis of its legitimacy,
whilst it learned the most valuable lessons from its
northern neighbor, the former Soviet Union.
Therefore, it is still a hot topic for Beijing to investigate
the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The article points out that, most of the communist brothers
have been cast aside by history.
The Soviet Union is the first country with the longest
socialist experience in the world thus far.
It was, and still is the CCP’s key in seeking its own
survival and to avoid following its failure.

Therefore, the CCP likes to put stability above all else, and
the establishment of a harmonious society is talked about often.
However, the CCP has never been “smoothly sailing", both
official and unofficial statistical data show that China’s protests continue to multiply.

Commentator Ren Baiming believes, since ancient times,
‘the one who wins the hearts of the people gets the world’,
now the CCP has completely lost people’s trust.

Commentator Ren Baiming: “Now after so many years,
in fact the people have come to know the CCP’s deception,
as well as all aspects of its rule, these bloody, cruel, and some
appearance of the packaging, basically, has been torn down.
The people have lost complete trust in the CCP,
which has resulted in the CCP’s ruling crisis."

Sun Wujun, who has produced “A Tombstone of the China’s
Communist Party", and is an internet writer living in Canada,
said that, now the officials are only in it for the money
instead of the people.
People have nowhere to complain and have become intolerable.
The Soviet Union’s today is the future of the CCP.

Internet writer Sun Wujun:"Now the people have become
increasingly dissatisfied with the CCP. There are people who
stand up with courage to show their discontent with the
government, such as Sichuan Shifang, the ordinary people
in Jiangsu Qidong, they spontaneously walked on the
streets to protest against some government behavior.
This is the sign before the CCP collapses.
I think sooner or later, the CCP will end up the same
like the Soviet Union."

Prof. of University of Wisconsin, Yao Cong analyses that,
the CCP is the spirit whom being attached to Marxism.

Yao Cong:"Marxism, which is a ghost that has been
wondering around for more than a hundred years,
brings disaster to every place it goes. It is a foreign cult;
the whole theory is built upon empty talk.
The theory itself is not solid, and then China
takes it as something and brings it back."

In addition, Yao Cong believes that Communism
is very deceptive.

Yao Cong: “So many countries and so many people have taken
the bait, the Soviet Union in the past through Lenin and Stalin.
I think they are evil and mingled together.

After it was spread in China, indeed in the early days,
it was really fraudulent."

Yao Cong said that the disintegration of the CCP will happen
sooner or later and now it is only a matter of time.

Yao Cong:"The CCP are without a future. The party
members themselves distinctly know that it has no future,
some visionary people whose minds are still relatively clear,
open their eyes to look around the world, know that
the CCP has no future and try to find a way out of the CCP".

Ren Baiming also said that, in the tide of history, the CCP’s
decision-makers only option now is to disintegrate the CCP and withdraw from the stage of history.
