【看新闻学英语】奥林匹克运动会 在伦敦开幕


Olympic Games Opens in London
奥林匹克运动会 在伦敦开幕



1. awash [əˋwɑʃ] 被浪潮冲打的
2. depict [dɪˋpɪkt] v.描绘
3. vaguely [ˋveglɪ] adv. 模糊地
4. comically [ˋkɑmɪklɪ] adv. 诙谐地
5. portray [porˋtre] v. 描绘
6. skydiving [ˋskaɪ͵daɪvɪŋ] 空中跳伞
7. tribute [ˋtrɪbjut] n. 致敬
8. thrilling [ˋθrɪlɪŋ] adj. 毛骨悚然的; 令人兴奋的
9. odd [ɑd] adj. 奇特的, 古怪的
10. Arctic [ˋɑrktɪk] adj. 北极的
London’s Houses of Parliament at Westminster were awash in images Friday night to celebrate the start of the 2012 Olympic Games.

Pictures depicting London’s last Olympic Games from 1908 and 1948 were projected onto the buildings giving passers-by a glimpse into the past.

“I didn’t know anything about 1908 even though I’m a really old man. I don’t really remember 1948, well only vaguely, I knew it happened. But I thought it was very good and I enjoyed it."

The Games opening ceremony was a mix of all things British—from the Queen, who was comically portrayed skydiving into the stadium, to an army of yellow submarines paying tribute to the Beatles.

Spectators found the event thrilling, if at times a bit strange. “My favourite bit was when the Queen fell out of the helicopter but missed the stadium. That was amazing. Amazing. Incredible show."

“My favourite part—Muhammad Ali, good to see Muhammad Ali. It was quite odd. Arctic Monkeys as well playing was really good. I liked that. And free tickets as well. Danny Boyle did a good job, I think, definitely."

The event ended with a massive display of fireworks.

More than 10,000 athletes from 204 countries will compete in 26 sports over 17 days of competition.


本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw


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