【禁闻】传团派推新方案 汪洋将进军委














采访/田净 编辑/李谦 后制/王明宇

Hu Jintao’s New Plan Features Wang Yang

Before CCP leaders’ Beidaihe meeting, Guangdong Party
Secretary Wang Yang appeared in media, dressed in military uniform.
Recently foreign media reported the Beidaihe meetings
produced a new list of CCP Committee members,
which will come as a surprise to the public.

In addition, CCP’s Central Military Commission
will also see significant personnel changes.
The Hu faction hopes that Wang Yang and others enter CMC.

Some foreign media released news that
before Beidaihe meeting,
Hu Jintao prepared three different plans,
all for personnel change after CCP’s 18th National Assembly.

The first plan will allow Hu to continue serving as Chairman of
Central Military Commission.
The second option completely excludes Hu Jintao from the central
leadership, bringing potential threats to the Youth-League faction.

A compromise between the first two, the third plan allows
Hu Jintao to nominate people on his side into central leadership, while he himself will step down.
Among the new 7 Standing Committee members, Wang Yang
will serve as Secretary to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,
partly in charge of military affairs, and current Vice
Premier Li Keqiang will serve as vice chairman of CMC.

Political Critic Xing Tianxing: “This is indeed outside of
public expectations. But to resolve its political crisis, CCP might possibly take such measures.”

Xing Tianxing also pointed out how Wang Yang has been
regarded as a reformist,
so some people are hoping he will enter CCP’s power core.

Xing Tianxing: “At this time of crisis,
CCP uses Wang Yang for special purposes.
I am still skeptical whether the third plan is more feasible.”

CCP’s 18th Assembly will take place in two months.
CCP’s different factions will grasp this time to release its messages, all to their own advantages.
CCP’s black-box operation, however,
makes its power struggle ever more confusing.

Wu Fan, Chief Editor of China Affairs magazine:
“Although Beidaihe meeting has ended, it does not mean CCP officials have reached a final resolution.
At its 17th Assembly, CCP decided to enlarge the Standing
Committee from 7 to 9 members in the last two hours.”

Gong Shengli, independent scholar for Chinese studies,
said to NTD how CCP’s inner struggles are common practice,
and that there is no legal procedures within CCP.

Independent scholar Gong Shengli: “Inner struggle is CCP’s
common practice, from its early period between Chen Duxiu and Wang Ming, up to today’s heated conflicts.
I believe it will not stop, until the last day of CCP’s life.”

Earlier, the Jiang Zemin faction spread rumors that officials
from Jiang’s faction would enter Standing Committee after 18th Assembly.
The Jiang factions wither daily now, with Jiang Zemin
purportedly in a vegetative state, as well as the Wang Lijun-Bo Xilai scandals.
Jiang’s factions manufactured the Central Political and
Law Commission as a second power center for the purpose of persecuting Falun Gong.
Now the center’s power has been reduced.

Recent prosecutions of Gu Kailai triggered another round of
public concern over CCP’s organ trafficking and body factories,
especially those targeting Falun Gong practitioners.

Some analysts believe that Hu Jintao took advantage of
the Gu Kailai case to deter the Jiang faction,
and to control CCP’s personnel arrangement
at its 18th Assembly.
