【禁闻】7 常委 胡派踢薄出人大 处极刑?






时政评论家唐柏桥:“按道理说他应该追究他很多的责任,比如说贪污腐败、行贿受贿、然后 滥用职权、私设酷刑、甚至活摘器官的一些事情、人体展的事情,它们不会追究,中共除非倒台了,不倒台它不会追究。”







采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元

Bo Xilai Subject to Expulsion and the Death Penalty?

The 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
is being prepared as high profile.
The Party’s Politburo Standing Committee reportedly
once again cut to seven seats from the previous nine.
During the political storm, how the CCP regime will handle
Bo Xilai’s case has been closely followed by the world.
Japan’s pro-CCP media revealed that the Beidaihe meeting
intends to expel Bo who is likely to be criminally punished.
Analysts speculate that Bo may face the death penalty.

Otherwise, he would be a threat to the incumbent and
oncoming CCP top leadership and to the Chinese people.

The CCP’s Party Constitution stipulates that Party members
who seriously violate criminal law be expelled from the Party.
Japan’s Asahi Shimbun reported that the Beidaihe meeting
plans to expel Bo Xilai and remove his status of deputy to the CCP’s National People’s Congress.
The Japanese media expected that
Bo might be held criminally liable.

Beijing-based political observer, Hua Po, thinks that
Bo Xilai will definitely be sentenced to death.
He said that China is now in a political situation
very similar to that was in 1976.
If Bo was not purged, he would become the 2nd Deng
Xiaoping. Xi Jinping would become the 2nd Hua Guofeng.

Hua Po: “I don’t believe they’ll only expel Bo.
I think Bo Xilai will end up very, very miserable.
For Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao or Xi Jinping,
all three shouldn’t leave Bo any chance to rise again.
The leftists under Bo are also very wicked and cruel.

If Bo is not killed and later stages a comeback,
Hu and Wen would face a very miserable end.
The relationship between Hu & Wen and Bo is not as good
as that between Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping."

Critic Tang Baiqiao comments that the move to expel Bo and
to remove his deputy eligibility is intended to give Bo criminal sanctions on the next step.
Tang Baiqiao says that Bo should
at least be given death penalty.
Tang Baiqiao estimates that Hu & Wen may yield to an extent
in handling Bo’s case.
This is to contend for the power bargaining at the 18th Congress
with Jiang Zemin’s faction.

Tang Baiqiao: “Naturally, Hu Jintao should have investigated
Bo’s many crimes.
These range from corruption, bribery, abuse of power, secret
tortures and the involvement of live organ harvesting and sale of human bodies.
I don’t believe the CCP will investigate and punish Bo for his
roles in the live organ harvesting and human body sales.”

Tang Baiqiao said if Bo cannot be decidedly purged, the
victims in the near future will not only include the factions of Hu & Wen, but also Chinese civilians.
Tang remarked that Bo will surely await his chance
as long as he is alive.
In that case, the families of Hu & Wen would be
subject to more dire suffering.

Tang Baiqiao: “The Chinese public won’t trust this regime
any more. But the evil force hasn’t been effectively punished.
And the police system, the Political & Legislative Affair sector
will stray into more arrogance.
This is because they know they have very strong backing,
that will encourage them to commit more and greater evils.
Like live organ harvesting, human body exhibits, tortures,
the suppressing of Gao Zhisheng, and so on.
At that time, the Chinese people will face more disasters."

The Asahi Shimbun said Bo Xilai’s expulsion is a result of
the contest between Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao.
Now it looks that Jiang has completely lost the capability of
showing his existence.
Hu’s faction has held advantages, will show great impact
by adjusting the CCP top leader teams.
The commentary stated that Hu Jintao tried to cut from nine
seats to seven seats in the Politburo Standing Committee.
The factions of Hu & Wen will reign supreme, according to
Japanese media.

This July, Hua Po predicted a list of candidates for
the CCP Politburo Standing Committee.
His forecast is nearly equal to the name list that
has been unofficially leaked.
Hua Po says the Chinese publics expect Hu& Wen to
legally punish the interest groups under Jiang Zemin.
So Jiang’s men see little chance to be put on the name list.

Hua Po estimates that Yu Zhengsheng only has
a probability of 40% to enter the top leader group.

Hua Po: “The public view Yu Zhengsheng’s promotion to
the Politburo Standing Committee as a concession.
But I don’t think he has such an opportunity as it has only
seven seats and the quota is too limited.
Yu Zhengsheng is the 2nd generation of the revolutionary
If people like him are all put into the top leader team, that
would become the Royal Cabinet of the late Qing Dynasty."

Hua Po said, Jiang Zemin’s top-level leadership arrangement
has blocked the way of Hu & Wen.
The political inaction of Hu & Wen and the popular discontent
with the widening rich-poor gap may be used by Bo Xilai’s buddies to pressure Hu & Wen, Hua Po analyzed.
