










中国历史学家 李元华:“不管是要上位的还是即将离位的,都是为了保持自己的利益或攫取更多的利益,十八大做权利交接的时候,正是它政权相对来讲最薄弱期,也是中共利益厮杀最激烈的时期,在这个过程中,要寄希望于某一派出于正义去做一些事情,这个迹象看不到,为了某一派利益下黑手的先例挺多。”

赵紫阳秘书鲍彤,在一篇“鲍彤评说薄熙来案”的文章中指出,薄熙来“唱红打黑”超过“三个代表”,超过“四个坚持”。鲍彤认为,薄熙来把一党专制的本质用“唱红打黑”概括了出来:“唱红”就是“顺我者昌”﹔ “打黑”就是“逆我者亡”。


采访编辑/刘惠 后制/周天

Unknown Factors Impact the 18th National People’s Congress

Bo Xilai, an important figure in both the Gu Kailai and
Wang Lijun cases, was not mentioned in their trials.
Bo Xilai’s future has become the focus of international media.

A few days ago, rumors began to spread
that Xi Jinping had been stabbed in the back.
Will the CCP destroy itself during the process
of various factions battling against each other?
Will the 18th National People’s Congress take place?
Will the CCP form a core power of the 5th generation?
Who will be in this so-called core of the 5th generation?

These questions have become
the focal point for China experts.

Through the Gu Kailai trial for the murder of Neil Heywood,
her husband Bo Xilai was not mentioned even once.
Bo Xilai’s name was also not mentioned
within the four alleged crimes of Wang Lijun.
Those who closely follow China issues can’t help
but wonder whether the CCP has other intentions?
Some critics also believe that Bo Xilai’s case
will be left for the next generation to handle.

Current Affairs Commentator Hua Po believes that Hu Jintao
has strengthened his authority by taking down Bo Xilai.
Xi Jinping will not be able to build his authority if the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) handles Bo Xilai in the same manner
that it handled former Beijing Party Secretary Chen Xitong.

Hua Po: “To put it openly, if Xi Jinping wants
to strengthen his authority, he has to kill Bo Xilai.
It is a large danger to Xi Jinping if Bo Xilai
is not taken care of completely.
The social situation is very volatile right now.
It is beset with difficulties internally and externally.
All levels are effected, so if Bo Xilai is not expelled
from the Party, the effects will be seen later on.
Bo Xilai’s role could be similar to that of Deng Xiaoping,
and Xi Jinping may become the next Hua Guofeng.”

Hua Po says that from observing the abnormal personnel
changes within the high levels of the CCP, and with
Xi Jinping missing a meeting with Hilary Clinton,
many people are wondering what has happened.

Hua Po: “The Beidaihe meetings may not be able to remedy
the rift between high level officials, and the divide may grow.
It did not unify the whole party, and does not exclude
the fact the CCP will possibly have to experience a new round of assaults after the Bo-Wang case.

Political commentator Wu Fan highlights that high level
CCP officials have fought into a huge mess.
It is not certain how the 18th National People’s Congress
will take place, as there are now rumors of Xi Jinping having been stabbed in the back.
There is a so-called “unknown future.”

Wu Fan: “Bo Xilai was not mentioned in both cases.

From what I see, [they] may want to decrease
the seriousness of this case.
One should think about how Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Zhou
Yongkang, and Jiang Zemin will fight, and how the result of this fight will influence the verdict on Bo Xilai.
The fighting is becoming more intense, and 3 days earlier,
who knew this would happen to Xi Jinping.
Do we know whether Xi Jinping is alive or dead?”

In February this year, Wang Lijun fled to the U.S. Consulate.

Dark infighting between CCP officials
could no longer be kept under cover.

China historian Li Yuanhua believes there
is no mutual benefit within CCP anymore.
Each faction is only using the Communist flag
to obtain more benefits for itself, and to suppress people.
Li expressed that in the process of them fighting
for their own benefits, the CCP will collapse.

Li Yuanhua: “It doesn’t matter who the ones are who will
now take on posts, or the ones who will leave their posts,
they are all trying to protect their own benefits.

They are trying to obtain more benefits during
the shift of power that is taking place at the 18th National People’s Congress.
This is when the CCP’s political power is at it’s weakest,
and also the most intense fighting takes place.
During this process, there is no sign of seeing any
hope of a faction acting out of righteousness.
It is more likely that these factions will act like mafia.

In an article, Zhao Ziyang’s secretary Bao Tong points out

that Bo Xilai’s “Sing Red and Crack Down on Black”
exceeded the ‘three representatives and four determinations’.
Bao Tong believes Bo Xiali has summed up the nature of one
party dictatorship through “Sing Red and Crack Down Black”.
“Sing Red” meana those who obey me will flourish,
“Crack Down Black” means those who disobey me will perish.

Bao Tong says that the 18th National People’s Congress
must have a choice so that it can cut itself from Bo Xilai.
Then it can separate everything of Bo Xilai.

If it does not separate itself from “Sing Red
and Crack Down Black”, then it is taking the old path from autocracy to autocracy.
