【禁闻】中共保钓外张内弛 大陆民众要人权




大陆民主人士 邹巍:“我们都知道中国长期在历史上处于政治黑暗,那么结果老百姓的权利也得不到伸张,那么对外的主权,更加是得不到保证,那么,导致就是中国的钓鱼岛,迟迟…就是控制在外人手里。”







大陆民主人士 恩广:“它们(中共)对外它是一种姿态,但是作为它们来说,其实它们真正内心的想法是,它们不希望在十八大之前挑起任何争端。我认为是这样,就是保十八大。”



采访编辑/唐睿 后制/黎安安

Diaoyu Islands: Communist Regime Conducts Bombastic Empty Talk aimed at Japan While People Ask for Human Rights

The Chinese communist regime opposes Japan’s
nationalization of the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands).
On the 11th, Xinhua News Agency claimed that two patrol boats
were sent to surrounding waters of Diaoyu Islands to declare sovereignty.
By the evening of the 11th, however, the Japanese coast guards
could not confirm this information.
Chinese people feel the Communist regime
only talks empty words;
domestically, it has no respect of people’s rights and overseas,
it does not defend its territory.
Activists believe the regime is only displaying a gesture
in foreign matters.
What they are concerned about is no trouble breaking out
prior to the 18th National Congress.

The communist regime voiced strong condemnation against
Japan’s purchase of the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands).
The Liberation Army Daily published an article warning
the Japanese government not to push the Diaoyu Islands issue to the brink of crisis.
However, Osamu Fujimura, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary,
stressed rejection of China’s protests at a press conference.

Mainland activist Zou Wei indicates that
if the Diaoyu Islands are China’s territory,
but have up until now been controlled by another country,
something doesn’t add up.
Zou Wei points out that with worsening human rights
a constant problem in China,
the people’s first impression when the government speaks of
territorial disputes, is that a conspiracy is transpiring.

Mainland activist Zou Wei: “We all know that
China has been in political darkness for a long time.
Consequently, people enjoy no human rights,
and foreign sovereignty is not guaranteed.
As a result, the Diaoyu Islands have long been controlled
by another country."

Last month, anti-Japan protests of various scales
took place all over China.
People question the authority’s inability to protect land
and cease illegal house demolition.
What capacity does it have to defend the Diaoyu Islands,
they wonder.
Some mainland netizens suggest that instead of anti-Japan,
people should be anti-communist.

For years, forced demolition and land acquisition are one
of the main methods of profit for the Chinese Communist regime.
The Communist regime does not care at all about the people.

Consequently, many self-immolations in protest
of demolitions have taken place in China.

According to a SOH radio report, Kong Xiangqi of Huludao,
Liaoning, faced illegal forced demolition of the house he legally owned.
In desperation, Kong Xiangqi protested by pouring gasoline
on his body.
The officials of the demolition team did not stop him,
forcing him to ignite, said Kong’s son.

Zou Wei: “We know a country is valued not for
the economy or military, but for its human rights.
It is simply embarrassing to talk about defending territory
with domestic human rights not respected or protected."

The CCP mouthpiece, Xinhua News Agency, reported
on the 10th that China Marine Surveillance ships 46 and 49
will arrive in the waters of Diaoyu Islands on the 11th
to safeguard the sovereignty.

However, Japan stated that as of the afternoon of the 11th,
no surveillance ship was observed in the Diaoyu waters.

Mainland activist En Guang: “It is a gesture. In fact,

I believe their true concern is to ensure no disputes break out before the 18th National Congress."

According to a BBC China report, media have cited
an authoritative source which said that
the Communist regime has negotiated with Japan
over the Diaoyu Islands purchase.
The CCP is willing to accept the status quo of Japan’s control
of the islands as long as Japan guarantees no development,
no landing, and no investigation will take place after the islands
are purchased.

The report revealed that the Communist regime has indicated
to Japan that strong opposition remarks will be issued to appease Chinese sentiments.
