【禁闻】消失多日 习近平现身?








时事评论员刘铭:“习近平他作为‘王储’,他的一举一动牵扯到中共政权的稳定,尤其现在‘十八大’前中共各派争权,所以他的身体健康状况,不仅仅是他自己的问题,用中共的话讲﹕他的一切都是党的, 现不现身辟谣不是他自己能说了算的。”


时事评论员汪北稷:“而这次习近平在这样的情况下无法公开,我想中共处于非常棘手,他想去掩盖这个事情,但无法掩盖,我个人觉得,其实中共我们经常说他是政 治‘搅肉机’,他是体制性的伤害人,在他的体制里面,他的任何一个内部的人,包括当权的人,都是不能阻挡自己受伤害的。”






采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Xi Jinping to Make a Public Appearance after Going Missing for Many Days?

Because the Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping hasn’t
made public appearances for many days,
many rumors regarding his disappearance abound,
with some rumors even being outlandish.
However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authority
hasn’t offered an explanation.
On September 13, the official media reported an event
related to Xi Jinping.

The official media of Guangxi province reported that
Huang Rong, an elderly CCP member, died on September 6.
The senior CCP leaders, including Hu Jintao
and Xi Jinping, mourned him in various ways.

Some overseas Chinese media outlets quoted so-called
reliable sources who said Xi Jinping will make a public appearance by the 21st and
that he will participate in the 9th China-ASEAN Expo
opening ceremony in Nanning city, Guangxi province.
The sources also stated that Xi Jinping will meet with
Thein Sein, the president of Burma at the expo.

The Hong Kong Apple Daily reported that Xi Jinping has
familial congenital heart disease which flared a few days before causing a serious situation.
Many Beijing hotels which house the representatives during
the 18th National Congress received notice that the meeting may be postponed.

The Apple Daily report quoted a Hong Kong businessmen
who stated Xi Jinping can’t get out of bed and
needs 2 to 3 weeks of treatment,
which will not impact the 18th National Congress.
But insiders say the CCP will hold the politburo meeting
and the Seventh Plenary Session before the 18th National Congress.
The illness of Xi Jinping will impact the preparation work
for the Congress and furthermore, may impact the personnel arrangement.

The report also said that Xi Jinping’s physical condition
will be another focus of the CCP’s internal power struggle.

Liu Ming, a current affair’s commentator, said even with
official media reporting on Xi Jinping, the CCP authority has kept silent regarding Xi’s status.

Liu Ming: ”As the ‘Crowned Prince,’ every movement
Xi Jinping makes will impact the regime’s stability,
especially the different factions within the CCP that
are struggling as the 18th National Congress approaches.
Xi’s physical condition is not only related to himself.
In the words of the CCP, Xi belongs to the CCP.
Whether he’s making a public appearance to dispel
the rumors is not decided by himself.”

Wang Beiji, a current affairs’ commentator, thinks the CCP
would rather spread a false story amongst the public than keep silent about the leaders’ health.

Wang Beiji: “This time Xi Jinping can’t make
public appearances.
I think CCP is in a very troublesome situation.
It wants to hide the truth, but can’t.
Personally, as we always said, CCP is a political ‘meat grinder,”
hurting everybody inside.
Inside its system, anyone including person in power cannot
protect itself from being hurt.”

Lin Zixu, a current affairs’ commentator, said it is impossible
to know the cause of Xi Jinping’s disappearance,
but one thing everybody is clear on is that there is a big
secret behind Xi’s disappearance.

Lin Zixu: “The CCP is in an extreme panic.
The panic caused it go silent.
Also the CCP knows that no matter what it says,
it will make the situation worse and worse.
Only silence can reduce the focus of the public,
especially the Chinese focus.
If the CCP says something to eliminate the rumors,
the Chinese will know Xi Jinping has problems, then the situation in China cannot be predicted.”

Lin Zixu analyzed that looking back, the history of the CCP
leaders’ succession process is full of turmoil.
Some of the successors were killed, some were imprisoned,
but CCP strictly controlled and treated all the information as secrets.

Lin Zixu: “The succession conceals much of CCP’s dirty
and nasty deeds.
The ‘crowned prince’ himself isn’t important,
but the interests of the combined CCP dignitaries are important,
and protecting their interests is the fundamental purpose
of each action of the CCP.
That’s the reason why Xi’s status has been kept
under wraps until now.
We don’t know whether Xi Jinping wants it hidden or not,
but after the party decided, he has to follow, even as the ‘crowned prince.’”

Lin Zixu also said that the CCP has grown increasingly
helpless with the well developed Internet.
He believes that the secret behind Xi’s appearance
will be disclosed soon.
