










采访编辑/梁欣 后制/薛莉

Wang Lijun Case to Prompt CCP Collapse?

The hearing of former Chongqing vice Mayor and Public
Security Bureau leader Wang Lijun concluded in Guangzhou.
The Wang Lijun case is the event with the largest impact
on China’s political ecology in recent years.
According to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece
media, Wang’s crimes had been tried “without public hearing” the day before.
How should CCP’s two ways of trial be interpreted?
What will be the impact of the Wang Lijun case?

Wang attracted global attention since fleeing to a US
Consulate to expose Gu Kailai’s murder of a British businessman.
In early September, the CCP announced through its
mouthpiece media that Wang had committed four crimes:
favoritism, defection, abuse of power, and bribery.

His trial concluded on the afternoon of September 18th,
and will be sentenced at a later date.
Xinhua.net reports that two charges against Wang –
favoritism and defection involve state secrets and had been trialed one day before “without public hearing.”

The CCP’s public trial and non-public trial are questioned.

During the trial on September 18th, foreign media were told
to remain at the gate of the court, and were not allowed to enter the court compound.
The video clips of the trial show only a few reporters onsite.
Compared this trial to that of Gu Kailai (Bo Xilai’s wife).
Media could enter the court and British embassy staff
were allowed to listen in, the trial of Wang is more closed.

Commentator Cao Changqing pointed out,
this trial was completely done behind closed doors.
Cao claims that it is the same, in nature, with the trial
of Gu. It is a political trial, rather than a legal trial.
He thinks that the reason for a more public trial of Gu
was due to the agreement reached with Gu beforehand.

Cao Changqing: “A complete harmonious, cooperative,
performative and fake trial is an exchange of political benefit.
How come the trial of Wang Lijun was not open?
It is very possible that Wang Lijun does not agree with the CCP’s terms.
He is not satisfied with the negotiation.
If he said something at the court in public,
then the CCP could not handle it.
Therefore the CCP could not trial him in public.”

Regarding the Dalian Human Bodies Plasticizing Factory,
recently exposed after the Wang and the Bo Xilai Case,
Cao Changqing thinks Bo is the decision maker,
and Wang, as Bo’s assistant, has good knowledge of it.

Cao Changqing: “On this issue, Bo Xilai, Wang Lijun
and the CCP high-level officials all agree not to publicize it.
If Wang Lijun dares to talk about it in public,
they will be more scared and will conduct the trial in secret.”

Wang causes headache to the CCP high-level officials.
The layers of darkness were not uncovered in the trial.
Commentator Ren Baiming points out that the whole world
is paying attention to the more shocking crimes of Wang – the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.

Ren Baiming: “It impacts the legitimacy of the CCP’s regime,
the fundamental nature of the CCP.
Therefore, its conservative forces are relatively tough.
There are some internal conflicts and separation.
The factions within the CCP are about power and crimes,
and whether to expose the crimes or not.”

Currently China’s economy is going down, with
outbreaks of conflicts from each aspect of society.
Ren Baiming thinks the impact of the Wang Lijun event
to the CCP will show up gradually.
It is like a quake before the explosion of a volcano.
