【禁闻】再自焚! 贡噶扎西吁藏官勿唯令是从













采访编辑/梁欣 后制/王明宇

Another Tibetan Self- Immolates

At the 18th Party Congress, Tibet officials denied to
the media that any self-immolation occurred in Tibet.
Kunga Tashi, analyst on Tibet issues at the official agency
of the Dalai Lama for America,
calls on Tibetan officials to play their own role
(and not that of the CCP ).
He appeals to these local cadres in Tibet to disobey
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s central authorities.
Otherwise, they will regret what they have done.

On November 10, the 19-year-old Tibetan Gonpo Tsering
set himself on fire in Lexiu county, Gansu Province,
in protest at the CCP’s high-handed rule
over Tibetans.
Media reported that Gonpo Tsering chanted slogans in flames.
“Tibetans need freedom”, “Language freedom is wanted”,
and " Welcome the Dalai Lama’s returning to Tibet.”
Badly burnt, Gonpo Tsering died two hours later.

On the same day at the 18th Party Congress, delegates
of Tibet Autonomous Region held a panel discussion.
CCP official media reported that in reply to a journalist’s
question on Tibetan monks’ self-immolation,
Qiangba Puncog, director of the Standing Committee of
Tibet People’s Congress said the following:
“It is said that Tibet is on fire now, I’d deny such remarks.”

“In Tibet, in those six or seven temples where self-immolations
have occurred there has been collusion with foreign powers.
And all those who have committed self-immolation were
victims of political manipulation."

Kunga Tashi, analyst on Tibet issues at the official agency
of the Dalai Lama for America, comments.
These CCP official’s remarks all followed the Party’s
top-level instructions, he says.

Kunga Tashi: “His talk was just a replica of the CCP’s mind.

The CCP just used two Tibetans at the 18th Party Congress
in response to the media to deny the self-immolation in Tibet.
In his public speech the cadre had to observe
the CCP’s central instructions.
As a Tibetan, I’m not very surprised at Qiangba Puncog’s
talk, but I don’t believe that’s his real inner thought.”

Lobsang Gyaincain, vice executive chairman of Tibet,
told the media that
“Overseas Tibetan separatist forces” have highly
embellished and stirred up the self-immolation issues.
Kunga Tashi points out that Lobsang Gyaincain was
reading a script to the media.
The less-than-two-minutes’ talk also blamed the self-
immolation on “the Dalai clique and overseas Tibetan forces”,
this aroused strong opposition among officials.

Kunga Tashi: “I noticed that Lobsang Gyaincain’s hand
kept shaking while he was reading the script.
I could feel his inner fear at that time.

That is, he had to read it, as it was the regime’s instruction.
So I could understand his difficulties.
But currently, the situation in Tibet is different
from that in the past.”

Kunga Tashi says that over 70 Tibetan self-immolations
have occurred since 2009.
All were in protest at the CCP’s ruling policy over Tibetans.

Kunga Tashi appeals to Qiangba Puncog, Lobsang Gyaincain
and other Tibetan cadres to ponder all of this further.

Kunga Tashi: “They should play their own part,
instead of fully following the CCP’s top-level orders.
Currently the situation in Tibet has become very rigorous.
So if they do not think more on this, they’ll regret it one day.
Sometimes, when a Tibetan cadre talks differently
from the regime, he may be removed from his post.
But now under such a serious emergency, one should be
brave enough to sacrifice his own personal interests.”

Kunga Tashi reveals that in Tibet, every rally, and protest
parade or hunger strike would incur a severe crackdown.
The People’s Liberation Army shot at protesting Tibetans.

Therefore, self-immolation has become
the only way for Tibetans to protest.

Six Tibetans have self-immolated since the eve of and
on the first day of the 18th Party Congress.
They were from Tongren County in Qinghai,
Aba County in Sichuan, and Nagqu Prefecture in Tibet.
Gonpo Tsering in Guansu became the 7th
who self-immolated in the past four days.

On November 12, the Dalai Lama on his visit to Japan,
refuted the CCP’s accusations at a press conference.
Reportedly, the Dalai Lama said, “the CCP regime should
carefully investigate the cause of Tibetan self-immolations.”
“The CCP regime has never held a serious attitude to
conducting investigations.”
The Dalai Lama said that the CCP authorities had just made
charges against him in order to close the case.
