【禁闻】重庆爆高官淫片连续剧 内斗再起?








朱瑞峰揭示,交给他视频的线人是重庆公安内部人员。 11月4号,朱瑞峰得到视频,7号对雷政富进行了采访。而雷政富除了拒不承认之外,当晚就开始在公安内部排查线人,并打电话、派人前来劝阻朱瑞峰曝光视频。

11月20号,新任重庆市委书记孙政才刚上任,朱瑞峰就立即将雷政富淫乱事件曝光。 23号,重庆市纪委确认视频主角为雷政富本人,雷政富被免职、立案调查。






采访/易如 编辑/李谦 后制/肖颜

Chongqing Senior Official’s Sex Tape Exposes Inner Struggle?

Immediately following the power handover of the
Communist Party 18th National Congress,
a sex tape involving a senior official went up
on the Mainland Internet, drawing media attention.
Zhu Ruifeng exposed this tape on the Internet and indicated
Chongqing authorities have had these materials for a long time.
The official involved in the tape was protected by Bo Xilai,
and was even promoted.
Zhu Ruifeng also possesses several similar tapes obtained
from Chongqing public security involving bureau and deputy level officials.
He is ready to make these tapes available on the Internet soon.

The actor of the pornographic video, Lei Chengfu, is the
Party Committee Secretary of Beibei district, Chongqing.
The video was made five years ago.

It recorded the whole promiscuous process of Lei Chengfu
and his concubine, Zhao Hongxia, in the hotel room.

Jdwsy.com website editor Zhu Ruifeng revealed that Lei
Zhengfu, as Dianjiang County Party Committee Secretary,
contracted almost all construction work in the county
to his brother Lei Zhengkui.
A construction company hired and trained girls to bribe
local senior officials in order to win the bid.
Zhao Hongxia therefore became Lei Zhengfu’s mistress.

Subsequently, the contractor tape recorded their adulterous
process and blackmailed Lei Zhengfu to get a larger project.

Surprisingly, Lei Zhengfu was the “preference" of
then Chongqing Party Committee Secretary Bo Xilai.
Then, Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau Wang
Lijun arrested and imprisoned both the contractor and Zhao Hongxia.
Shortly after, Lei Zhengfu was actually promoted to
Beibei District’s Party Committee Secretary.

Jdwsy.com website editor Zhu Ruifeng: “A District Party
Committee Secretary promotion needs to go through the Municipal Standing Committee.
It needed the approval of the Party Secretary, Bo Xilai,
and other departmental heads. It is certain that he was a favorite of Bo’s."

Media had reported previously that Bo Xilai had expanded
his power by defeating the rival party and protecting corrupt officials.

Zhu Ruifeng: “I believe these were his tactics.
A subtle misdemeanor might get caught and reported.
Wang Lijun would always seize such an opportunity
to take advantage of the power to use this person."

Zhu Ruifeng revealed the video was provided by
informants within the Chongqing Public Security.
Zhu Ruifeng received the tape on Nov. 4,
and interviewed Lei Chengfu on the 7th.
Lei Zhengfu rejected the charge and began an investigation
of the informant within the Public Security that night.
He also sent someone to discourage Zhu Ruifeng
from exposing the video.

When the new Party Secretary of Chongqing, Sun Zhengcai,
has just assumed office on Nov. 20, Zhu Ruifeng immediately released the recording of Lei Zhengfu’s adulterous incident.
The Chongqing Municipal Commission for Discipline
Inspection confirmed the official in the video was Lei Chengfu.
Lei was removed from his post and
a criminal investigation was initiated.

Zhu Ruifeng disclosed that the Chongqing Municipal
Commission for Discipline Inspection had known about this case for a long time.
Evidence was also available,
but the investigation never took place.

Zhu Ruifeng: “Wang Lijun and his Public Security
department should have immediately handed over to the
Discipline Inspection Commission any discipline issue
not sufficient to a criminal punishment or arrest.
Lei Zhengfu’s official level needs to be dealt with
by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.
It is certain that the Municipal Commission for Discipline
Inspection has had these materials for a long time."

Xu Jingye has been the Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal
Commission for Discipline Inspection Committee since 2006.
He used to work for Bo Xilai in the Ministry of Commerce.

Earlier this year when Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai fell,
Xu Jingye was once rumored to have stepped down soon too.
However, he still remains at his post.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported that
in Bo Xilai’s Chongqing post,
thousands of people from the public security system
were interdicted or even jailed with his movement to “Defeat the gangsters.”
Now that Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun fell,
many of them are trying to come back.
The Chongqing Public Security is now a battle ground.

Will these video tapes stir up more official corruption
and infighting in Chongqing?
How will the new Chongqing Municipal Party Committee
Secretary Sun Zhengcai deal with these cases? It remains to be seen.
