【禁闻】薄案新进展 习近平手下留情?








对于新任党魁习近平如何审判薄熙来﹖夏小强指出,这将影响习近平未来的执政之路。夏小强说,“重判薄熙来”是习近平上位之后,稳定权力和立威的需要。但是, 重判薄熙来很有可能牵出江泽民、周永康等人的罪恶,那么江、周背后的利益集团,也会做出强力反弹,这也是习近平可能会手下留情的另一个原因。






采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Will Xi Jinping be lenient with Bo Xilai?

According to the news of foreign media,
the case of former Chongqing CCP Secretary, Bo Xilai, has spread to the casinos in Macau.
The investigators are gathering evidence from Bo’s illegal
money laundering activity there.
But some analysts pointed out that Bo
will not be given the death penalty.
Therefore, what will cause Xi Jinping to be lenient with Bo?
Please consider the following report.

The Times in the UK published an article on December 3

stating the staff responsible for Bo’s case began the
investigation at the end of last month.
They wanted to find out whether Bo laundered
illegal money through casinos in Macau.
Quoted internal sources said that there were six persons
suspected of money laundering being interrogated secretly at a VIP room in one of the most famous casino in Macau.
The investigation probed whether they are associated
with Bo Xilai’s corruption case.

Political commentator, Xia Xiaojiang, said that the CCP
prepares this for Bo’s trial.
The CCP wanted to list the facts of Bo’s crimes to the public.

To balance the factional power struggles, Bo may not
be heavily sentenced — Xi Jinping may go lenient on him.

Political commentator Xia Xiaoqiang: “From the viewpoint
of international media coverage in the past, CCP executives have mastered Bo’s crime evidence.
Its core is not only the corruption or money laundering,
but also the coup plan, as well as harvesting and trafficking human organs with Zhou Yongkang.
According to new evidence entered into Bo’s investigation
case, many differences and fierce struggling exist within the CCP.

In addition, Xia Xiaoqiang analyzed that Bo is the abandoned
child of Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “The Jiang faction also planned to throw
Bo out as a scapegoat.
However, we find that with the development of the situation,

if Bo Xilai is heavily sentenced, some of Jiang Zemin
and Zhou Yongkang’s shadiness will inevitably be exposed.
Therefore, the wrestling around Bo’s trial is fierce.”

The Times reported that the CCP wants to prepare
all of the evidence for Bo’s trial before next March.

How will the new CCP leader, Xi Jinping, deal with Bo Xilai?
Xia Xiaoqiang noted that it will affect Xi Jinping’s rule.
Xia Xiaoqiang said that a heavy sentence will be necessary
for Xi Jinping to show power and prestige.
However, it will likely expose the sins of Jiang Zemin
and Zhou Yongkang.
Therefore, the interest groups behind Jiang and Zhou
will also make a strong rebound.
This is another explanation why Xi Jinping may be lenient.

Xia Ming, a Political Science Professor
at City University of New York,
said people discussed whether Bo’s case would be
closed by Hu Jintao before the CCP 18th national congress.
This case was tossed to Xi Jinping.

Xia Ming: “I think since Xi has been thrown this hot potato,
obviously, he will not settle this case sloppily.
I think after Xi and Li took office, they have been very
attentive toward the case, instead of closing it in a short time.”

In September of this year, the CCP Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection revoked Bo’s CCP membership
and stripped him of his position, as well as transferred
his case to the judicial organs.
Bo Xilai was accused of abusing of power, taking bribes,
having affairs with a number of women,
and the murder of British businessman Haywood
along with his wife, Gu Kailai.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “The CCP will maintain the overall stability
when dealing with Bo’s case.
The big cleaning of Chongqing troops cannot go beyond
the bottom line.
Therefore, the outside world will inevitably see the various
forces within the CCP."

Xia Xiaoqiang said the Bo Xilai case is directly related
to the life of different forces within the CCP,
and thus has caused irreconcilable contradictions
between the factions.
Today, Xi Jinping is walking this dangerous wire to maintain
the balance, which could be lost at any time.
