【禁闻】中国农民海外登广告 告诫七常委





中国环保志愿者 陈法庆:“我和吴立红先生都认识到,我们现在这个环境的状况是非常糟糕,总的…政府在治理环境方面它是讲的多做的少,其实它没有监管好我们的生存环境,没有治理好。我们现在做这个广告,就是希望中国新的领导人保护环境方面,确实给我们这13亿的国人,有一个真正的美好家园。这就是我们做广告的本意。”

45岁的陈法庆是浙江省杭州市余杭区人,他自1996年开始关注环境保护,至今已经16年,曾经因为当地矿群的粉尘和噪音污染,以及水源保护区污染,而将浙江省杭州市余杭区环保局、 浙江省政府、和省环保局告上法庭;而44岁的吴立红,是江苏宜兴人,他自1998年开始关注太湖的水资源保护。吴立红和妻子许洁华因举报太湖周边的化工企业排放废水,先后失去工作,并且坐冤狱3年,在监狱里遭到“酷刑折磨”。


近年来,随着化工产业的发展,大陆很多地方出现了重金属污染。从陕西凤翔铅污染、湖南浏阳镉中毒、山东临沂砷污染、云南曲靖铬污染,再到柳州的镉浓度超 标。污染的主要是土壤和饮用水。一份7万人25年健康记录的抽样调查显示,从1965年到2005年,中国人罹患骨癌、骨痛的病人数呈上升趋势。







采访/梁欣 编辑/唐睿 后制/黎安安

In China, Environmental Protection Ad is a Political Ad

Two Chinese peasants recently published an
environmental protection ad in the New York Times.
The ad congratulates the new top seven leaders of
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Moreover, it reminds them to “live up to” the
regime’s words in environmental protection.

On Nov. 30, the New York Times published an environmental
protection ad in Chinese and English languages.
The advertisers are Chen Faqing and Wu Lihong,
two Chinese volunteers on environmental protection.
In the ad, they congratulated the election of seven of the
new CCP leaders, and called on them to prioritize environmental protection work.

Chen Faqing and Wu Lihong had originally intended to
publish this ad in the People’s Daily, a mouthpiece of the CCP.
Yet, the newspaper’s Ad Section chief told Chen that
it is classified as a political ad, too sensitive to be published.

Chen Faqing says that over the decades,
China’s environment has deteriorated.
The situation has aroused numerous nationwide mass protests.

At the recent 18th Party Congress, the CCP authorities
integrated building ecological construction into its Party Constitution.
However, both Chen and Wu hoped that the
regime could live up to its words in reality.

Chen Faqing: “Both Mr. Wu and I know that the real
situation is terribly bad.
The government offers only lip services on combating
environmental degradation, but it failed in practice.
We do hope this ad would help voice our wishes that

China’s new leaders would create a pleasant living
environment for us 1.3 billion Chinese people.”

Chen Faqing, 45, is from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

Chen had begun to focus on environmental
protection issues since 1996.
In the past 16 years, Chen Faqing sued local environmental
protection authorities and the provincial authorities for
local mining dust and noise pollution,
and water source pollution.
Wu Lihong, 44, is a citizen in Yixing, Jiangsu Province.

Since 1998, Wu started to get involved in protection of
Lake Tai, a large lake in the Yangtze Delta plain.
Wu and his wife lost their jobs for informing against chemical
plants for their discharge of waste water into Lake Tai.
Wu was even sentenced to three years in jail,
where he underwent several tortures.

Chen Faqing reveals that China is beset by severe pollution
in water, soil, air quality, plus greenhouse gas pollution.

In recent years, the chemical industry’s rapid growth has
created massive heavy metal pollution across China.
The reported cases include lead pollutions in Fengxiang,
Shaanxi; cadmium poisoning in Liuyang, Hunan;
arsenic contamination in Linyi, Shandong;
chromium pollution in Qujing,Yunnan;
and excessive cadmium found in Liuzhou, Guangxi.
In Chian, soil and drinking water pollution stands atop.
A survey with a sample size of 70,000 residents shows

an upward trend of Chinese people suffering from
bone cancer and bone pain, in a period from 1965 to 2005.

Chen Faqing: “All day long, the authorities claim
how well they are protecting our environment,
fighting environmental pollution and building a
pleasant ecological environment. That’s good talking,
but in reality, pollution still remains unchecked
in our daily life, and has even worsened in some areas.”

In June, a large-scale mass protest occurred
in Shifang, Sichuan Province.
The residents opposed the local authorities to build
a molybdenum copper plant.
In October, Ningbo citizens demonstrated in front of
city hall, protesting against a local paraxylene (PX) project.

Involved in envionmental protection for over a decade,
both Chen Faqing and Wu Lihong have discerned a fact.
That is, “Lack of environmental laws and regulations is
the root cause of environmental pollution in China."

Over the years, Chen Faqing has reportedly taken out nearly
1 million Yen, earned from his building materials business,
to publish environmental protection ads.
The public service ads were displayed in the People’s Daily,
the Southern Weekend, Mexican newspaper Milenio,
UK’s Economist, and in the Wall Street Journal, etc.

Wu Lihong: “He saves money from his life expenses to
publish this ad. He’s not a rich man but has lived very frugally.”

So far in China, Chen and Wu haven’t yet found media
that can publish their public service ad.
