

该主管表示中国用死刑犯器官早已在医学界众所周知,也曾经看过加拿大的国会议员大卫‧乔高(David Kilgour)关于法轮功学员活摘器官的报告以及相关材料。作为一个西方人,他无法想像如此暴行能在一个正常的人类社会存在。这位主管表示很关注这一严重指控,在了解了很多相关细节后,确信中共犯下这一滔天罪行。这位主管表示,除了撰文,他还会将活摘器官一事提交给管理层,希望努力引起西方社会更多关注。


周二,两个中国外籍人士联系我,希望引起对中国正在进行的活摘器官暴行的关注。证据显示,这些器官几乎全部来自于死刑犯和良心犯(prisoners of conscience)。

2006年,加拿大的国会议员大卫‧乔高(David Kilgour)和人权律师大卫‧麦塔斯(David Matas)基于观察性证据出版了《中国活摘法轮功学员器官的指控》。该报告审查了33分独立证据,表示自从1999年以来法轮功学员及其他良心犯被活摘器官。报告中写道,“从1999年以来,中国政府及其遍布全国的如医院、拘留所、人民法院等机构杀死了数量不详的法轮功学员。他们的重要器官,包括肾脏、肝脏、眼角膜、心脏等都被高价销售。有时甚至卖给外国人,(因为外国人)在本国等待捐献器官需很长时间。”






China Harvests Organs of Religious Dissidents

On Tuesday I was approached by two Chinese expatriates looking to promote awareness about the ongoing atrocity of organ harvesting in China. The evidence suggests that these organs are taken almost exclusively from executed criminals and prisoners of conscience.

In 2006, Canadian Member of Parliament, David Kilgour, and human rights attorney David Matas published a full report based on strong anecdotal evidence entitled, Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China. The report examined 33 separate pieces of evidence suggesting that, since 1999, practitioners of the spiritual practice Falun Gong along with other prisoners of conscience have been put to death for the purpose of harvesting their organs. “The government of China and its agencies in numerous parts of the country, in particular hospitals but also detention centres [sic] and ‘people’s courts’, since 1999 have put to death a large but unknown number of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience. Their vital organs, including kidneys, livers, corneas and hearts, were seized involuntarily for sale at high prices, sometimes to foreigners, who normally face long waits for voluntary donations of such organs in their home countries.”[1]

This report was controversial, and met with an investigation by the US State Department. Under the invitation of the Chinese government, the State Department toured the hospitals in question and concluded that there was not enough evidence to support these claims. China still denies that the Falun Gong are being systematically persecuted or that their organs are being harvested for sale.

Yet more evidence has continued to be exposed over the last six years. It is estimated that 106 hospitals are involved in harvesting the organs of these prisoners. Reports from escaped Falun Gong practitioners indicate that there are at least 36 forced labor camps in the country, each with populations around 100,000. These camps and the prisoners within them who are executed for their organs, allow the hospitals to boast wait times of 2-3 weeks, and schedule transfers in advance when similar transplants in the United States take several years. The availability of compatible matches has been evidence enough to suggest that prisoners are being executed “on demand”. Estimates of the total number of organ transplants vary considerably, but the Chinese Minister of Health claimed that over 10,000 transplants were performed in 2008. This despite the fact that there is a strong cultural aversion to organ donation and only 37 people nation wide were registered as organ donors, according to the Chinese Red Cross. In deed, the Chinese Minister of Health has even admitted that the majority of transplanted organs comes from prisoners, a practice that is condemned by international law.[2]

Moreover, it is common knowledge that the Chinese government has systematically used propaganda and force to dehumanize the practitioners of Falun Gong. A Chinese doctor claimed that his parents were both high ranking government officials who became active in Falun Gong later in life. Since their involvement, they have been detained at least 5 times, and this doctor calls on a weekly basis to verify that his parents have not been imprisoned. He claims that it is only their elevated status within the community and old age that has prevented them form being sent to work in the correctional labor camps.

When describing the conditions in China and the experiments that are conducted on prisoners prior to organ extraction, the doctor continued to refer to parallels in the Holocaust. When I asked him if he really thought the condition in China were sever enough to compare to the atrocities in Nazi Germany despite China’s persistent claims to the contrary, he replied, “No, I think China is much worse.” “Unless we raise awareness and prevent these Chinese doctors from being trained in America,” He said, “These crimes will continue.”

Let us pray for the victims of these atrocious crimes, that they might find justice, and for the perpetrators of these crimes, that they would amend their lives.

[1] BLOODY HARVEST Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China, by David Matas, Esq. and Hon. David Kilgour, Esq. 31 January 2007

[2] Joint Hearing Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Africa, Global Health and Human Rights Subcommittee House Committee on Foreign Affairs September 12, 2012 Organ Harvesting of Religious and Political Dissidents by the Chinese Communist Party

