

据“英国广播公司(BBC)”中文网报导,总部设在纽约的“人权观察”组织12月19号公布,12位大陆作家、记者以及活动人士获得了“ 海尔曼/哈米特奖”(Hellman/Hammett Grant),组织表彰他们不顾政府迫害,坚持促进自由表达权利的努力。

报导说,大陆的获奖人士包括前《中央人民广播电台》维语部记者买买提江‧阿布杜拉、还有曾为“萨尔金(Salkin)”网站工作的年轻女记者古尔米热‧依明(Gulmire Imin )、以及“南蒙古民主联盟(SMDA)”成员呼群特古斯、和民主人士何德普、《六四天网》创办人黄琦、山东退休教授孙文广、北京维权人士、网路作者王荔蕻,及山东反腐记者齐崇淮等。另外还有4位大陆藏人获奖,但为保护他们的安全,不对外公布姓名。





报导说,2012年是大陆社交媒体网络热词(Internet meme)大放异彩年度,网络热词成为当代中国大陆最微妙的一种文化与政治表达方式。






Twelve dissidents gain award for “freedom of speech”

According to BBC Chinese network, on Dec. 19th Human
Rights Watch (HRW) in New York published the Hellman-Hammett Grant award results.
This is a grant program for writers worldwide who have been
victims of political persecution and need financial assistance.
Twelve writers and reporters and civil right activities
in mainland China gained the award.
HRW praised their strive to promote freedom of expression
regardless of the government’s persecution.

The report included the former journalist of Central
People’s Radio Uighur, Mamat Jiang Abdullah;
young reporter Gulmire Imin who served on Salkin network;

Govruud Huuchinhuu, Southern Mongolian Democratic
Alliance (SMDA) and democrat He Depu;
The founder of “6.4 tianwang” Huang Qi;
retired professor of Shandong university, Sun Wenguang;
Bejing civil right activist, network writer Wang Lihong and
anti-corruption reporter in Shandong province Qi Conghuai etc.
To protect four Tibetans also receiving the award,
the HRW didn’t reveal their names.

HRW points out that all the 12 mainland awardees
have been detained and been harassed and threatened.
Now, seven awardees were detained in prison.

Hellman is a famous American playwright.
The award was created according to his testament and
mainly supporting the people who suffered political
persecution and had to leave their own homeland.
Or the writer who suffered tortures and needed emergency
help. The prize money is $ 10,000.

China Real-time Report owned by the Wall Street Journal
reported the top ten network hot words in mainland China over 2012 were selected on Dec. 19th.
They include “Holidays treatment” (Wang Lijun event),”Watch
brother” (Yang Dacai event) and “Chen Guangcheng escaped".

The report said that 2012 is the year of Internet meme.

Net hot words became the most profound way of expressing
the culture and politics in contemporary mainland China.

For example, the word to satirize the evil police
who ran to beat up folk hero Liu Bo is ”busying”.
Hong Kong’s Apple Daily published a full-page ad,
“Hong Kong people, forbearance enough".
“CCTV" hides the private parts of naked figures
in Michelangelo paintings with mosaic.
Chinese officials claimed that National revival is 62%.
And the speech of CCTV: are you happy?
The official of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) avoids democracy
with “not enough theory”. All the above are the hot words.

According to the 20’s report of “Radio France Internationale",

Baoji Daily was punished for forwarding the article by
Oriental Morning Post called “watch brother Yuan Zhanting”.
The vice president on duty was fined and vice chief and
the editor were suspended.
So far, the electronic version of the newspaper opens onto
a blank page.

Lanzhou Mayor Yuan Zhanting is found to wear
different expensive watches on several occasions.
It’s one of the internet anti-corruptions after 18th Party congress.

Report said that Baoji authority tries to please Yuan Zhanting
by this action. Yuan’s hometown is Baoji city, Shaanxi province.
