【禁闻】中共反腐新招 媒体成“卧底”

【新唐人2013年01月25日讯】中共反腐新招 媒体成“卧底”










富士康再传工潮 郑州员工堵路抗议





New Chinese Regime Actions Involve Media Working Against Corruption.

After Xi Jinping, the new General Secretary of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), took power,
he strongly expressed the need to work against corruption,
which included dealing with “tigers or flies".
While commentators considered who those “tigers and flies”
were, the CCP adopted another unusual method,
turning journalists into undercover investigators for the CCP.

According to report on the Duowei News website, some
Mainland media agencies have received orders from the
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCFDI).
They have been ordered to expose
financial corruption using inside stories.
Journalists of State-run Xinhua News Agency have
pioneered an anti-corruption campaign to help the CCFDI.

The report quoted sources in Beijing, saying that mainland
financial media, including the leading “Finance" magazine,
have joined this anti-corruption campaign.

They will report undercover on behalf
of the CCFDI to pioneer anti-corruption.

However, reporters in Mainland China
are suppressed from revealing corruption.
Now reporters are asked to act as official spies, which
raises the question of what will happen to them in the future.

Gao Zhisheng: Number One Candidate for Defending Freedom

According to a recent report by Radio Free Asia (RFA),

US Congressman Tom Lantos from the Human Rights
Commission made decision to name Gao Zhisheng as
“the number one candidate for defending freedom”.

Currently, Gao Zhisheng is imprisoned in a prison in Xinjiang.

Mr Frank Wolf, Chairman of the Committee, and
champion of human rights, personally wrote to Gao.

In his letter to Gao, he wrote that his belief and his seeking
of justice inspire people, even when Gao’s personal safety and health are threatened.
The Chinese Communist Party will end the
same way as the former Soviet Union.
It must be thrown on the midden of history.

When the day comes, your name will be listed as one
of the dissidents who have inspired the whole nation.

Gao Zhisheng’s Wife Geng He Appeals to International Community to Help Free Gao.

According to a report by Agence France-Presse,
on January 23, Geng He, the wife of Gao Zhisheng,
appealed to the US Embassy, and international
organizations to visit Gao in Xinjiang Prison.
Geng He asked them to witness Gao’s true
situation, and hoped they would help to free him.

Employers of Foxconn Continue to Protest.

According to a report on the “Chinese Jasmine Revolution"
website, on January 23, in Zhengzhou, a large group of
workers from Taiwanese company Foxconn protested.
They were protesting that the company was in arrears
for paying wages and was due to make redundancies.
Police were brought in to suppress the protests.

Factory workers blocked the entrance to Customs
and Excise in Xinzheng Integrated Free Trade Zone.
They held banners saying: ‘Foxconn,
give back our hard-earned money.’
They stopped access to vehicles.

The report cited workers, who said that recently
40,000 to 50,000 workers had been made
redundant, due to bad sales of iPhone 5.
Some employees were dismissed because
their photos in their ID’s didn’t look like them.
