【禁闻】 广州两会 民众举牌“打倒共产党”

【新唐人2013年01月28日讯】 朱瑞峰遭警察围困 称还有淫官漏网




传薄熙来抵达贵阳 28日开庭




广州两会 民众举牌“打倒共产党”










Zhu Ruifeng Indicates More Officials Involved In Sex Scandal

Zhu Ruifeng, founder of People’s Supervision Website,
revealed a Sex Tape of official Lei Zhengfu on the internet.
This led to over a dozen Chongqing officials being dismissed.

On the evening of January 27th five police went to Zhu’s home.

Zhu refused to open the door and contended with the police.
Zhu also posted on Weibo to appeal for public attention.

Zhu says the police agreed to let him take a lawyer
to Beijing Deshengmenwai police station the next day.
However, there are still plainclothes officers
of the state security outside of Zhu’s home.

Zhu believes that those police were from Chongqing authority.

They came to his home possibly for sex tapes of other
Chongqing officials that are not revealed.
Zhu indicates he will reveal those officials’ identities
after he verifies the sex tape and materials he has.

Bo Xilai Trial Starts on 28th in Guizhou

There has been a rumor circulating that former Chongqing
Communist Party secretary Bo Xilai’s trial will start in Guiyang City on January 28th.
Mainland netizen revealed on Weibo that
Bo arrived in Guiyang City on January 27th.
Officials from public security, prosecution,
and courts went to pick him up.

Although this news hasn’t been verified by Chinese officials,
it’s already been reposted by all kinds of Weibo and forums.
Some netizen even post a discussion for netizens to participate
called “What crime do you think Bo will be sentenced for?”

Unlike its usual strict control, Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
officials are allowing public opinion for Bo’s case this time.
The CCP didn’t delete relevant posts. Even many mainland
media reported on the rumor of Bo’s trial.

Citizen Holds Banner “Overthrow the Communist Party”
(CCP)During Party Congress in Guangzhou

On January 22nd , during National People’s Congress and
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress in Guangdong
Province, a citizen at the at downtown area held banners
saying “Overthrow the Communist Party”.

The Epoch Times reported, citizen Liuhui has protested
with anti-communist banners on the street many times.
People call him “banner brother.”

This time, he wrote on the banner “Overthrown the Communist
Party!”and The Communist Party are Communist bandits!”

The report says, after Liu’s protest, his phone can’t connect.

Guangzhou rights activist Mr. Liu says Liu Hui is possibly
sent back to home or detained.

On September 7th 2012, Liu Hui was detained for protesting
with a banner saying “Against dictatorship. Want freedom and democracy.”

Activist Appeals to U.S. to Stop Firewall Specialists Coming

On January 25th, an activist raised a petition
on The White House Website.
The petition was to appeal the U.S .government to ban
people who help the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with internet censorship to enter the U.S..
So far, 5600 people have signed the petition.

According to the petition, the people involved in building
the Firewall are Fang Binxing, Xiong Gang, and Han Weili.
Fang is an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
and professor in University of Posts and Telecommunications.
Xiong is senior engineer of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences study of information security.
Han is currently teaching in Software School of
Fudan University.

The petition says people involved in IT work often need to
participate in international exchange and knowledge exchange.
If some use their knowledge and technology to prohibit other
people using the internet, all countries should resist such acts.
Such people applying to enter the U.S. to attend conferences,

must have their applications rejected by a responsible
government valuing citizens’freedoms.
