









关押238天 朱承志回家监视居住





Wall Street Journal: One More Victim of Chinese Cyber Attack

Following the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal recently
accused Chinese hackers of targeting the newspaper’s website.

Paula Keve, a spokeswoman for Journal publisher
Dow Jones, said in a written statement:
“Evidence shows that infiltration efforts target
the monitoring of the Journal’s coverage of China.
They are not an attempt to gain commercial advantage
or to misappropriate customer information,”

Wall Street Journal: “Chinese hackers with possible government
links have targeted major U.S. media companies for years.”

U.S. to Assertively Combat against Chinese Cyberspying

According to Associated Press on February 1st the Obama
administration is considering “more assertive action”
against persistent Chinese cyberspying that it believes to be
targeting the U.S. companies and government agencies.

The AP report cited two former U.S. government officials.

It said, “The Administration was preparing a new National
Intelligence Estimate (NIE) when complete,
is expected to detail the cyber threat, particularly
from China, as a growing economic problem.”

One of the former officials said the NIE assessment “would
also detail more directly the role of the Chinese Government in such espionage.”
The former official said NIE would underline the
administration’s concerns about the threat.
It would put greater weight on plans for more aggressive
action against the Chinese Government.”

AP report: “The Administration is still deciding
what steps it may take.
Actions could include canceling certain visas or putting major
purchases of Chinese goods through national security reviews.”

Human Rights Report 2013: China with the Least Progress

On January 31st Human Rights Watch released its
Human Rights Report 2013.
The annual report indicates that in 2012, China made no
progress on politics, citizen, society, economy or cultural rights.

The report says in the past 10 years under the reign of
Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, China reform stalled.
There is rising civil demand for improvement in rule of law,
accountability system and in governance transparency.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) new leaders Xi Jinping and
Li Keqiang haven’t yet made a positive reaction.

The CCP regime often exerts negative impact on human
rights issues in the world, according to the report.
For instance on Syrian issue, the regime alleged it made
unremitting efforts to lead to a peaceful and fair solution.
However, the CCP, joined Russia, denied three resolutions
designed to put pressure on the Syrian government.
In August, at least 7000 ethnic Kachin refugees fled
from Burma into Yunnan.
The CCP denied their refugees identities, and evicted them
back to conflict zone in northern Burma.

Zhu Chengzhi Released Home Under Residential Surveillance

After 238 days of custody, Zhu Chengzhi, renowned rights
activist in Hunan province, was released on February 1st.
However he was placed under residential surveillance.

The Voice of America reported that Zhu Chengzhi thanked
all those for their concerning and their pressure.
This support forced the authorities to release him home.

Zhu Chengzhi is known as a famous rights activist
in Shaoyang, Hunan Province.
He published the photo and news of the suspicious death of
Li Wangyang, pro-democracy activist on the internet.
With that, Zhu Chengzhi was detained by Shaoyang police
authorities, charged with “inciting subversion of state power”.
