



北京宪政学者 陈永苗:“我自己不在北京,我已经回福建了,我答应了人家(当局)两会的话题不谈。”


北京访民 王玲:“它(警方)要我上三亚来,我不去,3、4个人强行围着我,就给我弄到机场了,现在给我弄到海南来了,在海口呢。”


北京维权人士 胡佳:“父母家这边也被他们给盯上了,这是第一回,就是在父母家被软禁起来。”

北京时政观察人士 华颇:“有关方面打过一次电话,‘问候问候’,然后就说要找我‘谈谈’,一直还没有,我这儿属于书斋型的,只是发表点自己的看法。”





北京异见人士 李金成:“它们现在已经到了丧心病狂的地步了,并且它们蒙骗了很多不明真相的群众,我看街上很多穿着它们特制制服,骑着摩托车、自行车的四处游荡,认为可疑的人员,马上他们就发出信号抓捕。”



采访编辑/李韵 后制/肖颜

Increasing Control Continues in China on Eve of Two Sessions

The forthcoming Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Two
Sessions has led to tightened stability preservation in China.
Many rights activists and dissidents have been threatened,
placed under home arrest, or put into secret police custody.
Nationwide petitioners who arrived in Beijing
have been expelled and suppressed.
The authorities have also tightened
control over online discussion.

On February 28, the three-day Second Plenary
of CCP conference ended in Beijing.
The “Two Sessions" are scheduled to be held on March 3-5.
Currently, the regime has tightened speech on the internet.
Strict measures for stability preservation have been
taken against rights activists, dissident and petitioners.

Ye Jinghuan and He Depu, Beijing activists, have been
informed by the police that they will “travel” out of town.
Chen Yongmiao, a Beijing constitutional
scholar, says that he has been “on travels”.

Chen Yongmiao: “I am not in Beijing
at the moment. I’ve been back to Fujian.
I’ve promised that I won’t comment on the Two Sessions.”

A few days ago, Beijing petitioner, Wang Ling,
was detained for two days at a local police station.
She has been sent to “travel” in Haikou, Hainan province.

Wang Ling: “The police asked me to go to Sanya, I refused.

Then three or four people besieged me and forcibly
took me to the airport. So now I’m in Haikou, Hainan.”

In Beijing, police authorities have placed local
rights activists under 24 hour house arrest.
They include Xu Zhiyong, Li Lirong,
Gao Yuqing, and Hu Jia, among others.

Hu Jia: “My parents house has
also been put under surveillance.
This is the first time that I was put
under house arrest at my parents home.”

Hua Po, political observer in Beijing: “The authorities
gave me a call, saying they want to talk with me.
So far, it hasn’t happened yet. I’m just
a scholar, only expressing my own views.”

News came on Twitter saying that several citizens have
been under police control for “stability preservation”.
On February 27, poet Wang Zang tweeted a call
for a focus on Yan Zhengxue, a Beijing artist.
Yan’s wife told him that outside her house
were stationed local domestic security police.
Yan Zhengxue didn’t return home on
February 26, and then disappeared.

On February 28, Hu Jia also tweeted that
since February 26, Beijing lawyer Ding Jiaxi
was followed by police cars when going out.

At night on February 27, Ding was
taken away from home by the police.

Hua Po: “The real power is in hands of the people.
He who wins support of the people will get the reign.
So the CCP’s actions to maintain stability
will only lead to a worse aftermath.
Thus, it puts more effort into its stability preservation.

On big festivals or critical occasions, it often mobilizes
vast numbers of security forces to maintain stability.
This is only a temporary measure.”

Li Jincheng, a Beijing dissident under long-term suppression,
remarks the CCP has clearly seen the upcoming collapse.
Therefore, it has made pre-arrangements as far as possible.
It has taken more brutal measures to cope with dissidents.

Li Jincheng: “The authorities have become frenzied
now. They’ve also fooled lots of civilians.
I noticed that there are so many
underlings wandering on the streets.
They don special uniforms and ride motorcycles or bicycles.

Once they find anyone suspicious,
they’ll give a signal to catch the person.”

Li Jincheng reveals that Beijing police authorities
are now staging a massive arrest of petitioners.
The petitioners told him that they all cannot
see any hope for the new CCP administration.

Yet, those petitioners who haven’t given up hope
on the CCP, continue to head toward Beijing.
On February 27 at Beijing South Railway Station,
over 60 petitioners from across China held banners.
They poured out their grievances.

At a petitioner gathering, some petitioners
aired their grievances together.
They expect the CCP Two Session to offer them solutions.

A female petitioner cried, when she sang a song
telling her miseries caused by corrupt officials.
She asked for help from the Two Session.
