






美国纽约市民沈先生:“它(中共)会把这个事情拖的很久很久,然后说我们一直在调查中,然后它再给你一种似是而非的一种说法了 中共会按照它的逻辑思维来考虑,怎么样把这件事情说的圆满,对它有利而给以评述、给予结论,是以党的利益为首要的。”












采访/易如 编辑/张天宇 后制/

Suppose Boston Marathon Bombings Had Occurred in China …

Bomb explosions at the Boston Marathon quickly became
major media headlines in China.
The news has diverted public attention from
the raging H7N9 bird flu.
Meanwhile, China’s netizens began a heated discussion
on how differently authorities’are dealing with the incident
in the U.S. and in China.
More netizens hold that in information transparency,
the U.S. beats the Chinese Communist Party hollow.
Netizens believe that if the explosions had occurred in China,
the media coverage would be totally the opposite.

On April 15 at 3pm local time,
two explosions occurred at the Boston Marathon.
Three people were killed, 176 people were wounded,
with 17 seriously injured.

After the bombings, the U.S. showed anti-terrorism resolve.

What was demonstrated was positive interaction and
cohesion by the government, media, business and citizens.

Major US web portals and TV channels
kept updating news on the issue.
There were no restrictions on news report,
and neither had bans on media reports.
The U.S. official news conference
was held immediately.
The public have been kept informed with the latest news.
Being quick and transparent, there are no rumors or panic.

(New Yorker) Mr. Shen: “After it happened, national
media broadcasted the incident as early as they could.
People’s safety and social stability
was prioritized.
No matter how severe the situation has evolved,
the media has informed the public clearly and precisely.
So the Chinese people could also
hear the news immediately."

Netizens commented that if a similar incident
had occurred in China,
how the CCP authorities dealt with it
would have been totally different.

Mr. Shen: “It ( the CCP ) would have put off dealing with it.
Next, it would have claimed the investigation had started.
And then, it would give the public a specious statement.

The CCP would have focused on how to exploit
the incident so as to serve the Party’s interest."

(Zhengzhou citizen) Mr. Hou:
“Firstly, it would definitely have blocked the news.
Then, a large number of police would have been sent
to the city to implement martial law.
It wouldn’t have permitted massive reporting
on the issue, for fear of causing public panic."

(Chinese netizen) Wu You:"Media reports on the news
would have been restrained, so as to avoid public criticism.
If news reporting had been allowed, I’m afraid media would
have highlighted how the Party and the government had positively reacted to such an emergency.
The media would have used the incident to
eulogize the authorities, this is their normal way."

U.S. President Barack Obama declared the
upgrading of domestic security measures and the seeking out of the perpetrators.
The U.S. flag was lowered at the U.S. Capitol to
honor the bombing victims in Boston.
At times of crisis, the state takes the side of its citizens.

(Zhengzhou citizen) Mr. Hou:"The U.S. government is
responsible, and will surely give an explanation to the American people."

(New Yorker) Mr. Shen: “The U.S. government
cares about national security.
But is even more concerned about citizens’
property and safety."

In China, when any major public event occurs,

the CCP authorities’ way of handling the issue and
the official attitude towards civilians is chilling to the public.
As a result, in public minds, the regime’s credibility
and status are getting worse.

(Chinese netizen) Wu You: “They won’t
sympathize with the victims in their hearts.
Instead, they use those victims as stage props to
display the glorious image of the Party and government."

(Zhengzhou citizen) Mr. Hou:
“In China, it would be different.
There exists an opposition between
the officials and ordinary folks.
Civilians are hostile to the government, and
the government has never cared about the people."

Zhu Xinxin, ex-editor at Hebei state radio station, comments.

The reason behind such a contrast is the different
political systems in both countries, he says.

Zhu Xinxin:"First of all, democracy is voters’politics,
Everything should serve the voters.
The government should work for the people,
and make public any information.
Meanwhile, media should exist independently,
and cannot be controlled by a political party.
Today in China, the Party completely controls media.

So China’s media isn’t media in a real sense,
but a propaganda tool, which the CCP has openly admitted."

The interviewees all agree that China’s authoritarian
political system prioritizes the CCP’s interests.
All resources serve this political system.

The CCP officials are not empowered by the people,
so they won’t speak for civilians’interests.
Rather, they have become more concerned about
how to cement the power in their hands, how to control society.
Whilst in democratic countries,
state power comes from the people,
and a public watchdog replaces a totalitarian dictatorship.
This is the biggest difference for the U.S. and China.
