【禁闻】52将军违纪 公开叫板习近平










美国纽约城市大学政治学教授夏明:“更换军队车牌既不是制度的改进,也不存在所谓制度倒退。最根本的问题在于,军队作为中共一个非常大的利益集团,它的特权地位能不能得到撼动,甚至中共执掌权力的特权阶级,它们的特权能不能得到撼动。如果这些东西都没法触及的话,所谓更换车牌这些 也都是毫无意义的。”



采访/常春 编辑/李明飞 后制/李勇

Xi Jinping Publicly Challenged Over Replacing Military Vehicle Registration Plates

Hong Kong media recently disclosed news about
52 active serving Generals, and 62 senior Colonels.
They were criticized by name, because their luxury
vehicles were registered with military plates.
Fan Changlong, Vice President of the Central
Military Committee, is stated to now be directly
working on the “military plate replacement” project.
Media directly under the control of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) Central Propaganda Department challenged
Xi Jinping publically by publishing an article.
It said that luxury vehicles being forbidden to have
military plates reflects a recession of the system.

The latest issue of Hong Kong’s “Chengming”
magazine stated that
CCP military vehicle plates have needed
renewing since April 28.
Up until May 19, after exactly 3 weeks, 528 luxury
vehicles have been found to not qualify as military vehicles.
These 528 vehicles are from 4 big military regions,
22 provincial military regions, 11 municipal garrison
regions, and 20 provincial armed police corps.

It was disclosed that 52 Generals in active service,
and 62 senior Colonels were criticized internally.
Among the 52 Generals, 9 are Deputy Commanders
of large military regions and provincial military regions.
43 are Commanders of armed
police corps in provincial capitals.

Commentator Lin Zixu: “It’s very possible that these
52 Generals and 62 Colonels colluded together.
It’s reported that these Generals were criticized
by name, which wouldn’t really solve anything.
100 more people were criticized by
name, which didn’t make any difference.
It’s possible the residual influence of Jiang Zemin’s faction
is undermining and embarrassing the new leadership.”

It was said that this event has shocked
the CCP’s military senior authorities.
Fan Changlong, Vice President of the Central
Military Committee will now directly work on
the “military vehicle plates replacement” project.

Lin Zixu stated that it shouldn’t be this
difficult to replace a military vehicle plate.
Military orders cannot be disobeyed.

However, the CCP’s authoritarian system
makes things a lot more complicated.

Lin Zixu: “CCP anti-corruption is not realistic at all.

Even replacing a military vehicle plate, such
a trivial thing, cannot be executed easily.
It has even shocked the Central Military Committee, and
the Vice President claimed it is a tough battle to fight.
This is absurd. If replacing a car plate is like fighting
a battle, how difficult will it be to punish corrupt officials?
The CCP system has already rotted away
completely. Nothing can be finished in this system.”

The magazine also stated that it’s
not difficult to replace vehicle plates.
It’s also not difficult to improve the
technology to detect fake plates.
Nevertheless, it is very difficult to change the
CCP military from lacking discipline and morale.

The website gmw.cn is directed by Liu Yunshan,
Central Propaganda Department Minister.
On April 29, the website published a commentary article.

It was called “Luxury Cars Forbidden to Have Military
Plates Reflects the Recession of the System”.
It’s hard to believe such a small issue was even
pushed to the point of reflecting “system recession”.

Xia Ming, Politics Professor from New York City University:
“The article about replacing military vehicle plates
is not about system progress, nor system recession.
The root question is whether the CCP, with its various
interest groups, can have its privileged position shaken.
Whether or not these privileged groups
with political power can be shaken.
If all of those things cannot be touched, replacing
a vehicle registration plate is absolutely meaningless.”

Commentator Wen Zheng states the article on gmw.cn
shows that there is a force in the military, challenging
Xi Jinping and the new Central Military Committee publicly.
Even before the policy of luxury vehicles being
forbidden to have military plates was applied,
gmw.cn published this unbridled article.
This indicates the CCP’s internal disintegration.

Xia Ming also pointed out that those who disregard,
and turn against the new policies on military vehicle
plates, are the factions standing against Xi Jinping.
Without any doubt, they will be purged from within the party.
