













采访/林莉 编辑/张天宇 后制/李智远

Looking Behind Li Tianyi’s Lawyer Innocence Defense

After the “Li Tianyi Rape Case” was accepted by the Beijing
court, two of Li’s lawyers published a statement accusing
the police and the media of infringement,
and attributed the major cause of the case to the bar.
Lawyers also filed a defense of innocent for Li which
aroused strong criticisms on the internet.
The legal profession believe that the new lawyer’s practice
is not normal, inappropriate and against professional ethics.
With another lawyer’s identity exposed, people even doubt
there are powerful forces behind the handling of the case.

The third lawyer of Li’s case, Chen Shu, publicly
announced he is going to do an innocence defense.
This created strongly critical public opinion.

The legal profession also has views against Yuan Yulai,
a lawyer with 940,000 internet fans.
They said on microblogg that “if Li’s behavior clearly was
rape, an innocence defense is against the professional ethics.”

Other lawyers believe that the so-called “announcement”
and “innocence defense” are to divert public attention.

Guangdong Lawyer Tang Jingling: “Usually people believe
it is not wise to bring up an action to drive widespread public
anger since this case has already aroused great public anger.
It is possible that the lawyer tried to divert public concern for
the four defendants’ identities by focusing on other things.”

Some people believe that this is the preparation
for acquittal of the four suspects other than Li.

Guangdong Lawyer Sui Muqing: “Those other suspects in the
case have never showed up. People wonder who they are.
We have reason to believe that those suspects have
a stronger part in the case than Li.
If Li could be forgiven, those other people could naturally
be forgiven as well, so Li is just an open target.”

Insiders also exposed that Li’s new lawyer Wang Ran
worked in Beijing Haidian District People’s Procuratorate from 2001 July to 2009 July.
Li’s case is brought by Haidian Procuratorate.

“Prosecutors Law" clearly states that once a prosecutor left the
People’s Procuratorate they cannot be a litigation agent or
counsel in former Procuratorate cases.
This is to fundamentally prevent lawyers using relationships
to affect the judiciary and impartial law enforcement.
Wang Ran’s identity’s exposure brought more questioning.

Sui Muqing: “I think this strategy is part of the link to help
Li and others get an acquittal.
The key force lies not in the lawyers, it lies in the background.

Without the operation behind the scene, no matter how
excellent the lawyer is, they are unable to be given acquittal.”

Lawyers pointed out that Li’s “innocence defense”
success rate is very low.
Except in the case that the victim admits that the
sexual relations are voluntary.
However, the bar staff testimony was
the girl was taken away,
pulled out of the bar after she was forced to
drink and became unconscious.
The next day, before the girl reported to the police,
she first came to the bar for help.
The bar staff recall: “That day she came to the bar, her eyes
were bruised, she had, a scar on the bridge of her nose;
She said she was beaten by Li and some others, she had scars
on her body and her hands shook. She looked very terrified.”

Tang Jingling: “After the case was known to the public, news
on the internet said that the victim was repeatedly threatened.
The original treatment for this case has attracted
a lot of public resentment,
because the description used was “had sexual relations”
and avoided using “rape, gang rape” which are the key facts of the case.
So now if the lawyer wants to use an innocence defense,
I am afraid it will arise great public criticism.”

After Li’s lawyer made the announcement,
Miss Yang’s lawyer Tian Canjun said that,
when Miss Yang saw the announcement,
she nearly collapsed.
Miss Yang hoped the defendants’ lawyer could
walk in her shoes;
If the victim was their female family member,
who will still use an innocence defense for Li?

Some experts pointed out that according to
China’s current judicial environment,
if media and public opinion do not interfere with
Li’s case, it will not be treated fairly.
