【禁闻】深陷薄案 周永康“露面”显习江恶斗










中共喉舌《新华社》题为《薄熙来受审 令出一门方能不偏不倚》的评论文章指出,在大政方针上、在领导干部任免上,地方政府必须维护中共中央权威。不管是科长、处长,还是部长,只要有问题都应接受惩处。评论还声称,要坚守“服从决定,静观法律审判”。






采访编辑/常春 后制/君卓

Official Media´s Unusual Mention of Zhou Yongkang

The name of Zhou Yongkang, ex-head of Political and
Legislative Affairs Committee(PLAC), most unusually,
had his name appear recently in official media.

This has occurred on the eve of the trial of Bo Xilai,
Chongqing´s former Chinese Communist Party(CCP) chief.
Zhou´s sudden appearance is understood to mirror
“an unusual situation in Zhongnanhai".
It certainly signals an increase of intensity in
the CCP´s top-level infighting.

Zhou Yongkang, a Politburo Standing Committee member,
is known as a core figure of the faction led by Jiang Zemin.
In early 2012, Wang Lijun, ex-police chief of Chongqing,
fled to a US consulate to seek asylum.
The incident led to Bo Xilai´s downfall, and to
the beginning of Zhou´s own fall from power.
Since the 18th CCP Congress, Zhou has only appeared
in public very rarely.

On July 23, China´s media reported on the death of
Zhou Kaida, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
An unusual mention was of Zhou Yongkang, who sent
a funeral wreath in his own name.

This was sensitive timing, as the trial of Bo Xilai nears.

The sudden appearance of Zhou´s name is considered
a sign of “an unusual situation in Zhongnanhai”.

(Political observer, Beijing) Hua Po: “Zhou Yongkang is,
definitely and deeply, involved in the Bo Xilai case.
As the PLAC czar, he gave heavy support to Bo.”

Hong Kong´s Investigation magazine reports that
Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun´s case has provided a great deal of
evidence that points to Zhou´s guilt.
This includes Zhou´s participation in political
conspiracy, and his adulterous acts.
Besides, evidence of economic crimes committed
by Zhou´s son is now in focus.

The report states that Bo, before his dismissal, had
met with Zhou five times in Beijing, Chongqing and Chengdu.
The two had discussed Bo´s takeover as head of the PLAC.

According to the plan, Bo would have forced Xi to
step down within two years.
The means to achieve this end would include media
defaming of Xi, and even killing Xi if necessary.

Since the report on Zhou´s appearance, official media
has said that Bo was prosecuted in Jinan on July 25.
Bo is charged with bribery, corruption, abuse of power,
among other things, as yet unmentioned.

More official articles have since emerged, that support
the announcement of the prosecution.

Xinhua News Agency´s commentary stresses that
local authorities must maintain the authority of
the CCP Central Committee when formulating major
policies and appointing or removing cadres.
The article advocates an adherence to
“obeying decision, watching legal verdict."

The web version of the People´s Daily publishes an article,
“advocating the Central Committee´s decision”.
It argues that dealing with Bo´s case fulfills an official
promise of “wiping out not only flies, but also tigers.”

On July 25, several known Maoist activists had their
access to their Sina micro-blogs blocked.
These Maoist advocates include Kong Qingdong,
Zhang Hongliang, Wu Fatian, and Sima Nan.

Outsiders consider this a media warm-up for Xiand Li
Keqiang, to proceed with the trial of Bo Xilai.
It sends a warning to the CCP pro-Bo faction,
headed by Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang.

(Founder, Global Information Free Movement website)
Zhang Xinyu: “Fighting within the party and
the communists factions are those involved in
a fierce political attack.
Zhou Yongkang is one of the most evil mafia bosses
and rogues in Chinese history.”

Earlier on, Xi Jinping abolished a hidden rule that
protects Politburo members from the death penalty.
Xi´s fight against the “big tigers” has been upgraded
to the high rank of Politburo Standing Committee.
Zhou´s hardcore henchmen have been removed
in quick succession.
Outsiders speculate that Zhou´s fate could well be worse than
that of Huang Ju, ex-Politburo Standing Committee member.
