【禁闻】党媒三批宪政 激起反弹

【新唐人2013年08月09日讯】党媒三批宪政 激起反弹




大陆 自由撰稿人“二代症久富田”则分析认为,这一系列文章的作者应该是《人民日报》的大批判组。








“六四”后被消声 薛飞重现网路







The Chinese Communist Media Keeps Criticizing
Constitutional System

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece,
People’s Daily overseas edition has published
Ma Zhongcheng’s series of articles for
three consecutive days,
criticizing the US system of constitution,
provoking a reaction online in Mainland China.
Some people said that the articles were the CCP’s most
perverse act since opening up the reform.

Meanwhile, netizens began to “human flesh search" the
author and the director of the People’s Daily’s overseas branch.
They were trying to find out who Ma Zhongcheng is,
and what the background of the director is.

On August 8, journalist Gu Zhengzhong in Mainland China
posted messages on Weibo microblog.
Gu said that the head of People’s Daily overseas edition
is Zhang Dexiu.
The information shows that Zhang has military background.

An independent writer in Mainland China analyzed that the
articles likely were written by People’s Daily big critique group.

A magazine writer in Mainland China questioned that
the issue of the constitutional system is a domestic affair.
Why were the articles not published in China?
Do they have a boss overseas?
Perhaps they tried to show the boss
they were hard working.

Whistleblower of Chinese Resources Company
Corruption Being Threatened

Li Jianjun, former journalist in Shanxi province, has exposed
Song Lin, president of China Resources Group’s corruption.
Li told media that Song Lin’s allies intended
to use Li’s friends in Shanxi to put pressure on him.
They were told to make Li to give up complaining
about China Resources.

On August 8, the BBC Chinese edition reported that
Li said in Hong Kong those people came from Shanxi.
It includes Li’s classmates at primary school and officials
who had close ties with Li.
They suggested Li to be practical by asking for financial help.

On August 6, Song Lin published personal statement.

He claimed that Li Jianjun’s allegation is slander,
and he will reserve the right to take legal action.

However, Li Jianjun requested Song Lin to get together
in an open debate with him.

Sources cited Li Jianjun that he will meet Hong Kong’s
governmental bodies on August 9.
Apart from the Independent Commission Against
Corruption and Commercial Crime Bureau,
he will also meet with other governmental agencies.

Former China’s Central TV Presenter Xue Fei Reappears

On August 8, Xue Fei, former China’s Central TV (CCTV)
presenter who broadcast the Tiananmen Students Protest on
June 4, 1989, suddenly turned up on Weibo microblog in
Mainland China after having disappeared for two decades.

Netizen@Changchun-storedepartment posted Xue Fei’s
latest photos on Netease and Sina personal blog.
The netizen has described Xue Fei’s background
and latest information.

On June 4, 1989, Xue Fei as a news presenter of CCTV
Broadcast the Tiananmen massacre.
He expressed sympathy and sorrow to those students killed.
So he was dismissed from CCTV.
In 1992, Xue moved to Hungary to live.
In 2001, he returned to China working as a teacher.

The netizens’ posts aroused many to recall their memories.
They posted respectful greetings to Xue Fei.

A netizen commented: “Moral integrity, spirit forever lives;
A model of Chinese media."
