【禁闻】绑架13亿人批香港公投 环时成笑柄


















采访编辑/唐音 后制/钟元

Mainland Chinese Highly Praise Hong Kong
Referendum Whilst Refuting Official Media

Between June 20 and 22, around 700,000 people in Hong Kong,
participated in the referendum polling vote.

The number of people attracted international media attention.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official “White Paper" has
been thrown before the referendum,

and now the CCP’s media criticises the referendum as
having no “legal effect."

It also ridiculed the 700,000 figure, saying
“it is no more than 1.3 billion people".

So how do people in Mainland China treat the CCP’s
media rhetoric and referendum in Hong Kong?
Let’s see the detailed report.

Reporter: Hong Kong’s “Occupy Central" campaign, held
a folk program referendum on the Chief Executive of Hong Kong,

who was elected by universal suffrage from June 22 to 29
via on line polling and additional 15 polling stations.

Up till the night of June 22, 693,000 people were recorded
as having voted.

According to organisers of the event, on the 22nd day,
48,047 Hong Kong people had physically voted

at 15 polling stations.

In addition, another 205,664 people voted via the website,
and 439,643 people voted via mobile Internet.

Hong Kong media commented that the 0.7 million figure
is “1000 times more votes given when Chief Executive
Leung Chun-ying was elected."

Mainland officials and Hong Kong’s Government
criticised the event,

saying the referendum “has no legal effect".
So why do 0.7 million people go to a referendum?

Former Shandong University professor Sun Wenguang
in Mainland:

“This reflects the people of Hong Kong have great respect
for their rights, they require a genuine election.

Beijing authorities want to engage in a fake election, with the
Chief Executive of Hong Kong being
appointed by them.

This poses a challenge to the CCP Authorities."

Bao Tong was former political secretary for former CCP
head Zhao Ziyang.

He told the US-based Epoch Times,although the referendum
has no legal binding,

the reaction shows the real public opinion in Hong Kong.

He said: “Illegal is not abuse, and illegal is to catch up
with the illegal persons.

But how can they catch up with 0.6 million people in Hong Kong?
Do they have such a big prison?

Conversely, if you do not catch up with the illegal people,
this then shows the government has no governing capabilities."

Hong Kong’s referendum has been criticised by the CCP
official media, as being a “political farce".

They even said that 0.6 million is Hong Kong’s
high-profile criticism of the CCP media,

Mainland democrat Huang Jinqiu believes that 1.3 billion
mainland Chinese,

are being held hostage by CCP authorities
to deceive the public.

Huang Jinqiu: “This statement is a bluff, self-deceiving.

If they want 1.3 billion people to vote, I am afraid
not that many people will vote for them.

Because they have never really regarded the 1.3 billion
people as being closely connected to them.

If they did regard them as being closely connected to them,
then why do they use such stability tactics and violence?"

Before the referendum is held in Hong Kong, the CCP’s State
Council Information Office,

published the so-called “White Paper" on the practice of
“one country with two systems " in Hong Kong’s SAR,
(Special Administrative Region).

It claims, the high autonomy of Hong Kong is
“the sufficiency of the rights enjoyed by Hong Kong people,

originating from the authorisation of the CCP
Central Government.

This “One country with two systems", implies two systems
are to be “subordinate to" the one country;

the Chief Executive" must be patriotic", along with the Legislative
Council, according to a universal suffrage system,
need “comply with national security and interests etc."

Hong Kong people, generally believe that the “White Paper"
undermines the basis of the policy one country two systems,

along with the independence of the judiciary system
in Hong Kong.

Huang Jinqiu said, CCP wants to take advantage of Hong Kong’s
so-called “one country with two systems" to deceive Taiwan.

March of this year, Taiwan’s “Sunflower Student Movement"
broke out.

So now they are worried Hong Kong has become a testing
ground for democracy,
likely leading to having an effect upon China.

Huang Jinqiu: " In the past, CCP bad mouthed Capitalism
and spoke highly of Socialism.

Yet people in both Hong Kong and Taiwan oppose CCP, why?
It’s mainly due to CCP’s reverse move and retroaction.

They even extend their black hands into Hong Kong.
Of course, people are unwilling to accept.

They do not want Hong Kong to have the same dark influences
as the Mainland."

On the eve of the referendum in Hong Kong, the electronic
voting system was attacked by “national level" hackers.

Outside analysts believe this to be the work of CCP,
which aims to obstruct any referendum.

Under various forms of pressure, 70 million Hong Kong
people still participated in the referendum,

so now people from the mainland are also
greatly encouraged.

Sun Wenguang: “This produces a great influence upon people.

Such an activity within Hong Kong ,encourages Mainland
people to take action and fight for their rights.

Because for so many years, across the entire Mainland,
people designated by CCP are provided
and people are made to vote for them.

Such an awakening of political freedom and democracy
required to safeguard their rights,

are indeed high up on the people’s ."list

One of the initiators of “Occupy Central" Mr Tai YiuTing
told the media,

“Hong Kong people are creating their own history now".

Bao Tong believes that the referendum in Hong Kong
has great significance.

If Beijing does not listen to public opinion,
it is bound to collapse.

The Beijing activist Mr Hu Jia in the social networking
platform “tweets" said:

“China is not ruling, only party ruling. We must let the
international community specifically distinguish
China from the CCP."

Edit/TangYing Post-Production/ZhongYuan
